City of Brigantine Municipal Employee Salary Chart for 2016

The BRIGANTINE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION gathered facts about the salaries of Brigantine public employees. These numbers are dated Sept 15 2016, and were provided by City Clerk Sweeney. We think they have serious omissions and errors, but we want to share them nonetheless.

This public record highlights how Brigantine City Council allocates public tax dollars. 70% of those dollars come from 2nd homeowners who have no representation.

CLICK >  Brigantine Employee Pay List

2016 – Brigantine Municipal Facts & Employee Salary

  • 2010 Brigantine census number was 9,450. By 2013, Brigantine’s population declined to 9,406. Projections suggest 2016 population numbers have plummeted to 8,750.
  • Brigantine employee count increased from 2015 to 2016. City says by two. We believe that number is closer to 8.
  • City records data provided show that 32 Brigantine employees made $100,000+ in annual salary. We have conflicting reports that show higher number of those who make 100k+.
  • City Clerk did not provide hourly wages, wages for seasonal employees and legal salaries. Clerk also didn’t provide overtime, employee health plan ($2.4 million) and pension and insurance contributions made by the City for employees.
  • Longevity pay still exists in Brigantine. It’s an expensive payment made simply for staying on the job. Total longevity bonus was a whopping $355,000 in 2015.
  • 65% of each Brigantine taxpayer dollar goes to public employee compensation.

Click to see Brigantine City Employee Pay List 10-2016

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6 thoughts on “City of Brigantine Municipal Employee Salary Chart for 2016”

  1. You’re absolutely that 2nd homeowners are being taxed without representation. They should have the right to vote in Brigantine elections.

  2. If we could vote then the entire Jersey coast would lose their shirts. OCNJ & Wildwood have a great tax base because of the amusements & mega shopping but they still get over on the second homeowners.
    It’s the Jersey gig! And the primary residences & politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. We are trying to get off the island but real estate isn’t moving. And predicts a 3% decline in the last quarter and next year.

  3. We feel you, Chris. It took a long time for us to be fed up, and we lost a lot of equity because of it, but the sooner you can find someone willing to undergo this kind of treatment AND pay you the value of your home, he better off you will be. Good luck and be alert!

  4. The annual Brigantine Municipal Welfare recipient list. The retort to this is “taxes are on par with other neighboring towns” except that those neighboring towns do not pay 73% of the annual budget to city employees!
    I wonder how many on that list live in Brigantine?

  5. poor resident says: This is Guenthers legacy. A town that uses 65+% of its revenue for employee salaries cannot survive. The ever increasing tax burden will only serve to lower property values, drive out residents and cause more tax increases. Vote the bums out.

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