Official results & times are now posted from the 2013 Brigantine Triathlon, held this past Saturday, August 3, 2013. Congrats to all participants, volunteers and everyone who helped make this event such a huge success. Click thru to see results & times broken down according to age groups, gender, etc. Special thanks to Jim Mogan & crew from the Brigantine Community Center, The Brigantine PD, Beach Patrol and others who deserve great appreciation.
Place Name Age Sx Bib Swim Pace SwPlc T1 T1Plc Bike MPH BkPlc T2 T2Plc Run Pace RnPlc Finish Penalty
1.Ryan Reighn 34 M 477 5:16 1:12 6 | 1:28 2 | 25:49 25.6 1 | 1:19 9 | 24:32 6:08 2 | 58:24
2.David Gutstadt 37 M I 183 6:38 1:30 27 | 2:19 46 | 27:39 23.9 7 | 1:37 51 | 25:15 6:19 5 |1:03:28
3.Heather Leiggi 37 F I 244 4:22 1:00 1 | 3:39 240 | 27:29 24.0 3 | 1:26 25 | 26:47 6:42 17 |1:03:43
4.Leo Suniaga 46 M B 418 4:25 1:00 2 | 3:28 215 | 28:40 23.0 9 | 1:31 39 | 26:08 6:32 12 |1:04:12
5.Martin Owens 44 M I 324 7:51 1:47 92 | 2:06 24 | 27:16 24.2 2 | 1:25 21 | 26:20 6:35 14 |1:04:58
6.Dan Troland 36 M I 440 8:15 1:52 119 | 2:28 68 | 27:37 23.9 5 | 1:37 52 | 25:21 6:20 6 |1:05:18
7.Randy Frank 37 M I 156 6:29 1:28 20 | 1:29 3 | 28:52 22.9 14 | 1:24 16 | 27:34 6:54 24 |1:05:48
8.Tim Pappas 32 M I 333 6:17 1:26 16 | 1:33 4 | 30:42 21.5 32 | 1:10 3 | 26:16 6:34 13 |1:05:58
9.John Bialous 43 M I 22 6:52 1:34 37 | 2:14 40 | 28:46 22.9 12 | 1:37 53 | 26:48 6:42 18 |1:06:17
10.Mickey Cassu 43 M I 61 6:02 1:22 10 | 3:09 162 | 27:33 24.0 4 | 1:34 45 | 28:31 7:08 37 |1:06:49
11.Rob Helsabeck 43 M I 198 7:32 1:43 70 | 2:19 47 | 30:02 22.0 22 | 1:48 101 | 25:48 6:27 8 |1:07:29
12.Sean Daley 36 M B 96 7:32 1:43 69 | 1:40 6 | 29:28 22.4 17 | 1:30 38 | 27:29 6:52 23 |1:07:39
13.Will Flournoy 19 M I 150 6:07 1:23 14 | 1:18 1 | 28:50 22.9 13 | 1:21 14 | 30:09 7:32 64 |1:07:45
14.Nathan Schadler 34 M I 383 5:42 1:18 7 | 3:09 163 | 30:16 21.8 26 | 2:16 217 | 26:37 6:39 15 |1:08:00
15.Patrick O'connell 44 M I 318 7:31 1:42 68 | 2:01 18 | 27:39 23.9 6 | 1:31 41 | 29:21 7:20 53 |1:08:03
16.Renee Tomlin 24 F I 437 6:03 1:22 12 | 2:48 106 | 34:47 19.0 141 | 1:27 28 | 23:30 5:52 1 |1:08:35
17.Tyler Caracausa 24 M I 58 6:54 1:34 38 | 2:04 20 | 30:19 21.8 27 | 1:24 17 | 28:11 7:03 34 |1:08:52
18.Joseph Ettorre 43 M I 134 6:56 1:35 40 | 1:42 7 | 29:41 22.2 18 | 1:29 35 | 29:14 7:18 48 |1:09:02
19.Jeffrey Hahn 24 M I 186 5:50 1:20 8 | 1:39 5 | 32:09 20.5 66 | 1:43 71 | 27:52 6:58 28 |1:09:13
20.Dan Fulk 39 M I 160 7:19 1:40 57 | 2:11 36 | 30:07 21.9 24 | 1:58 137 | 27:53 6:58 29 |1:09:28
21.Frank Mancuso 31 M I 261 8:12 1:52 117 | 1:54 12 | 28:53 22.9 15 | 1:47 95 | 28:43 7:11 41 |1:09:29
22.Ryan Lichtner 25 M I 249 6:43 1:32 32 | 2:49 110 | 32:46 20.1 86 | 1:15 5 | 25:59 6:30 10 |1:09:32
23.Timothy Mcgee 49 M I 275 6:46 1:32 35 | 2:08 27 | 29:03 22.7 16 | 1:19 10 | 30:25 7:36 69 |1:09:41
24.Dennis Smith 50 M I 398 7:18 1:40 55 | 2:18 45 | 27:52 23.7 8 | 1:42 67 | 30:58 7:44 80 |1:10:08
25.Johndavid Sabedra 22 M I 375 6:18 1:26 17 | 1:58 17 | 32:09 20.5 64 | 1:04 1 | 28:46 7:12 42 |1:10:15
26.Tom Flournoy 55 M I 149 7:46 1:46 87 | 2:19 48 | 31:28 21.0 48 | 1:45 82 | 27:08 6:47 20 |1:10:26
27.Steve Kent 50 M I 224 8:19 1:53 124 | 2:37 83 | 28:45 23.0 11 | 1:44 77 | 29:01 7:15 45 |1:10:26
28.Eric Tucker 39 M B 442 7:05 1:37 48 | 1:58 16 | 30:58 21.3 36 | 1:37 54 | 28:50 7:12 44 |1:10:28
29.Phil Bonelli 38 M I 37 6:43 1:32 31 | 2:08 28 | 30:01 22.0 21 | 1:43 72 | 30:00 7:30 62 |1:10:35
30.James L Nasto 27 M I 311 7:37 1:44 77 | 2:27 63 | 31:17 21.1 45 | 1:46 86 | 27:59 7:00 32 |1:11:06
31.Mike Rowe 31 M I 373 6:42 1:31 30 | 3:02 146 | 31:36 20.9 52 | 1:53 117 | 27:56 6:59 31 |1:11:09
32.Eric Pudimott 43 M I 346 10:22 2:21 303 | 2:12 38 | 30:22 21.7 30 | 2:34 294 | 25:55 6:29 9 |1:11:25
33.Richard Fanelli 42 M I 139 6:40 1:31 29 | 1:50 9 | 30:22 21.7 29 | 1:46 89 | 31:00 7:45 81 |1:11:38
34.Evan Dorris 25 M I 120 7:18 1:40 56 | 3:33 227 | 31:23 21.0 47 | 2:18 226 | 27:18 6:50 21 |1:11:50
35.Dana Palumbo 30 F I 329 8:04 1:50 113 | 3:30 219 | 31:22 21.0 46 | 2:07 170 | 26:51 6:43 19 |1:11:54
36.Brent Voynar 42 M I 450 6:43 1:32 33 | 2:59 135 | 29:55 22.1 20 | 1:45 83 | 30:51 7:43 76 |1:12:13
37.Ross Felice 48 M I 143 10:02 2:17 284 | 2:25 58 | 33:25 19.8 107 | 1:26 24 | 25:02 6:16 4 |1:12:20
38.Janine Hutkin 47 F I 208 4:30 1:01 3 | 5:34 400 | 31:54 20.7 56 | 1:28 32 | 29:13 7:18 47 |1:12:39
39.Michael Connelly 19 M I 87 8:02 1:50 110 | 2:49 108 | 32:38 20.2 79 | 1:21 13 | 27:54 6:58 30 |1:12:44
40.James Mccann 40 M I 273 8:42 1:59 175 | 2:36 81 | 30:03 22.0 23 | 2:08 178 | 29:23 7:21 54 |1:12:52
41.Adam Joseph 35 M 494 8:28 1:55 139 | 2:38 84 | 32:10 20.5 67 | 1:52 113 | 27:59 7:00 33 |1:13:07
42.Morgan Miller 50 M I 290 6:11 1:24 15 | 2:13 39 | 31:14 21.1 41 | 1:54 125 | 31:36 7:54 93 |1:13:08
43.Andrew Hudson 43 M I 206 6:19 1:26 18 | 2:25 57 | 29:52 22.1 19 | 2:06 169 | 32:30 8:08 115 |1:13:12
44.Christian Geer 15 M I 167 6:38 1:30 26 | 2:16 43 | 35:18 18.7 163 | 1:35 47 | 27:36 6:54 25 |1:13:23
45.Bridget Phillips 37 F I 338 8:32 1:56 144 | 2:10 34 | 33:20 19.8 102 | 2:18 227 | 27:19 6:50 22 |1:13:39
46.Eric Schreiner 43 M B 392 7:54 1:48 98 | 2:20 49 | 30:50 21.4 34 | 2:33 291 | 30:12 7:33 66 |1:13:49
47.Dave Chevoor 45 M I 69 9:10 2:05 209 | 2:08 29 | 33:00 20.0 93 | 1:31 40 | 28:22 7:06 36 |1:14:11
48.Gary Cop 32 M I 88 9:11 2:05 214 | 4:23 334 | 34:12 19.3 124 | 1:39 58 | 24:51 6:13 3 |1:14:16
49.Simon Varley 53 M I 447 5:07 1:10 5 | 5:06 377 | 30:54 21.4 35 | 1:56 132 | 31:19 7:50 86 |1:14:22
50.Bradley Schmitt 35 M I 388 7:24 1:41 61 | 2:14 41 | 30:26 21.7 31 | 2:01 151 | 32:22 8:06 109 |1:14:27
51.Brandon Mckenzie 16 M B 281 4:49 1:06 4 | 2:42 95 | 34:08 19.3 122 | 1:24 18 | 31:28 7:52 90 |1:14:31
52.Janis Greim 30 F I 181 7:13 1:38 52 | 2:07 25 | 31:15 21.1 44 | 3:08 367 | 30:51 7:43 77 |1:14:34
53.Matt Sabo 44 M I 376 7:55 1:48 99 | 3:23 199 | 32:34 20.3 76 | 1:38 57 | 29:18 7:20 50 |1:14:48
54.Karl Kraft 41 M 495 7:51 1:47 93 | 2:10 33 | 32:13 20.5 69 | 1:58 138 | 30:39 7:40 73 |1:14:51
55.Ryan Sherman 38 M 490 6:33 1:29 23 | 2:04 22 | 33:55 19.5 116 | 1:50 107 | 30:40 7:40 74 |1:15:02
56.John Addrizzo 40 M I 4 7:17 1:39 53 | 2:56 123 | 33:22 19.8 105 | 2:14 207 | 29:18 7:20 51 |1:15:07
57.Chris Yengo 44 M I 460 9:32 2:10 247 | 3:29 217 | 31:35 20.9 51 | 2:08 177 | 28:35 7:09 38 |1:15:19
58.Seth Josephson 53 M I 213 8:45 1:59 179 | 2:39 86 | 31:32 20.9 50 | 2:33 290 | 29:55 7:29 58 |1:15:24
59.Ryan Nalls 25 M I 310 7:00 1:35 43 | 2:40 91 | 33:09 19.9 99 | 2:15 211 | 30:22 7:36 68 |1:15:26
60.Tom Stoudt 42 M I 412 6:27 1:28 19 | 3:05 152 | 33:18 19.8 101 | 2:10 190 | 30:35 7:39 72 |1:15:35
61.Frank La Sala 50 M I 235 8:45 1:59 178 | 1:51 10 | 32:14 20.5 71 | 1:43 73 | 31:16 7:49 85 |1:15:49
62.Timothy Yocom 46 M I 461 6:39 1:31 28 | 2:50 114 | 34:54 18.9 145 | 2:11 194 | 29:17 7:19 49 |1:15:51
63.Scott Reedell 37 M I 352 9:05 2:04 203 | 1:43 8 | 31:14 21.1 42 | 2:04 161 | 31:52 7:58 99 |1:15:58
64.Matthew Zubrzycki 16 M I 465 7:23 1:41 60 | 2:20 51 | 34:16 19.3 126 | 1:46 88 | 30:25 7:36 70 |1:16:10
65.Christopher Hoffman 42 M I 200 7:34 1:43 75 | 3:12 172 | 31:08 21.2 38 | 1:41 64 | 32:55 8:14 130 |1:16:30
66.Mel Chettum 42 M B 68 9:01 2:03 199 | 2:23 54 | 31:41 20.8 54 | 2:37 303 | 30:50 7:42 75 |1:16:32
67.Kevin Van Hise 44 M 483 9:21 2:07 229 | 3:17 180 | 33:23 19.8 106 | 2:26 260 | 28:12 7:03 35 |1:16:39
68.Alec Truitt 24 M I 441 9:25 2:08 235 | 2:57 127 | 32:55 20.1 92 | 2:15 210 | 29:08 7:17 46 |1:16:40
69.Gayle Mancuso 51 F I 262 9:47 2:13 262 | 2:05 23 | 31:51 20.7 55 | 1:50 108 | 31:33 7:53 92 |1:17:06
70.Jessica Sabedra 30 F I 374 6:58 1:35 41 | 2:27 66 | 33:41 19.6 110 | 1:35 48 | 32:26 8:06 113 |1:17:07
71.Not Registered 99 M 491 8:27 1:55 137 | 2:16 42 | 31:40 20.8 53 | 1:46 91 | 33:02 8:16 136 |1:17:11
72.Brian Mulford 39 M B 300 10:20 2:21 300 | 2:42 96 | 35:26 18.6 167 | 1:08 2 | 27:51 6:58 27 |1:17:27
73.Matt Petroski 37 M I 337 6:05 1:23 13 | 2:24 55 | 34:24 19.2 131 | 1:54 126 | 32:42 8:10 122 |1:17:29
74.Patrick Pasquariello 54 M I 335 9:16 2:06 219 | 2:31 72 | 32:12 20.5 68 | 2:09 184 | 31:42 7:56 94 |1:17:50
75.Kristen Frank 30 F I 155 7:07 1:37 50 | 3:33 228 | 32:40 20.2 80 | 1:43 76 | 32:47 8:12 124 |1:17:50
76.Steven Berkowitz 48 M I 20 10:13 2:19 293 | 2:09 31 | 31:56 20.7 59 | 1:48 102 | 31:45 7:56 95 |1:17:51
77.Richard Palmer 30 M I 328 8:16 1:53 120 | 2:46 100 | 35:36 18.5 176 | 1:28 33 | 29:51 7:28 57 |1:17:57
78.Bill Green 54 M I 176 8:34 1:57 153 | 2:31 71 | 32:00 20.6 62 | 2:08 180 | 32:45 8:11 123 |1:17:58
79.Rich Talley 44 M I 427 7:32 1:43 72 | 3:13 173 | 31:11 21.2 40 | 2:25 256 | 33:38 8:24 157 |1:17:59
80.Brian Shuster 40 M 507 8:24 1:55 130 | 3:08 158 | 32:25 20.4 72 | 2:21 236 | 31:47 7:57 96 |1:18:05
81.Kyle Phillips 37 M I 340 6:59 1:35 42 | 2:45 98 | 31:02 21.3 37 | 2:28 268 | 34:52 8:43 197 |1:18:06
82.Kent Goldsmith 43 M I 174 9:20 2:07 227 | 3:43 261 | 31:30 21.0 49 | 2:07 171 | 31:26 7:52 89 |1:18:06
83.Dan Strang 30 M I 414 7:03 1:36 45 | 2:04 21 | 30:49 21.4 33 | 2:07 176 | 36:12 9:03 240 |1:18:15
84.Vince Castaldo 52 M I 62 9:43 2:12 258 | 3:15 176 | 30:20 21.8 28 | 2:45 320 | 32:14 8:04 106 |1:18:17
85.Daniel Quon 31 M I 350 7:04 1:36 47 | 3:21 191 | 32:01 20.6 63 | 1:35 49 | 34:18 8:34 183 |1:18:19
86.Keith Vaughn 50 M I 448 8:23 1:54 128 | 2:07 26 | 32:42 20.2 82 | 2:04 162 | 33:06 8:16 137 |1:18:22
87.Jamie Darragh 43 M I 98 6:55 1:34 39 | 3:34 232 | 31:55 20.7 58 | 2:39 306 | 33:21 8:20 147 |1:18:24
88.Tom Darragh 46 M I 99 7:37 1:44 78 | 2:27 65 | 32:13 20.5 70 | 2:50 338 | 33:18 8:20 146 |1:18:25
89.Raymond Maguire 37 M I 259 8:08 1:51 115 | 2:02 19 | 31:08 21.2 39 | 3:25 388 | 33:49 8:27 164 |1:18:32
90.Colleen Campbell 50 F I 53 7:45 1:46 86 | 2:40 90 | 32:32 20.3 75 | 1:52 115 | 33:47 8:27 163 |1:18:36
91.Anthony Rogers 33 M I 487 7:29 1:42 67 | 3:11 170 | 28:43 23.0 10 | 2:35 298 | 36:40 9:10 251 |1:18:38
92.Todd Fisher 42 M I 146 7:41 1:45 81 | 3:24 201 | 33:41 19.6 111 | 2:11 196 | 31:50 7:58 98 |1:18:47
93.Dean Capone 49 M I 57 9:26 2:09 239 | 3:53 286 | 34:10 19.3 123 | 1:26 26 | 29:58 7:30 60 |1:18:53
94.Ed Forst 59 M I 153 10:26 2:22 308 | 3:46 269 | 32:00 20.6 61 | 2:03 156 | 30:57 7:44 79 |1:19:12
95.Kimberly Rogers 33 F I 364 7:04 1:36 46 | 2:29 70 | 33:33 19.7 109 | 2:08 183 | 34:00 8:30 170 |1:19:14
96.Stefanie Bachman 31 F I 8 7:28 1:42 65 | 1:53 11 | 34:23 19.2 129 | 2:22 243 | 33:16 8:19 144 |1:19:22
97.Erik Mendelsohn 35 M I 285 7:56 1:48 100 | 2:56 124 | 35:30 18.6 172 | 1:54 124 | 31:09 7:47 83 |1:19:25
98.Patricia Librizzi 51 F I 248 10:01 2:17 282 | 2:22 53 | 34:05 19.4 121 | 1:46 90 | 31:13 7:48 84 |1:19:27
99.Anthony Lupinacci 28 M B 255 8:35 1:57 163 | 3:46 270 | 35:14 18.7 160 | 3:16 375 | 28:41 7:10 40 |1:19:32
100.Tom Kent 45 M I 225 7:59 1:49 104 | 1:56 13 | 31:54 20.7 57 | 1:44 81 | 36:14 9:04 243 |1:19:47
101.Mac Thayer 28 M I 432 :00 :00 | :00 | 46:13 14.3 410 | 2:13 205 | 31:22 7:50 87 |1:19:47
102.Rob Schimek 48 M I 385 10:47 2:27 322 | 2:27 64 | 32:09 20.5 65 | 1:24 19 | 33:01 8:15 134 |1:19:48
103.Jason Pollock 42 M I 344 11:07 2:32 337 | 2:26 61 | 34:54 18.9 144 | 1:54 123 | 29:33 7:23 56 |1:19:54
104.Meg Miller 20 F I 289 7:42 1:45 82 | 3:32 224 | 38:10 17.3 246 | 1:46 87 | 28:49 7:12 43 |1:19:59
105.William Vernay 35 M I 449 9:16 2:06 221 | 3:20 189 | 32:40 20.2 81 | 2:50 337 | 32:01 8:00 102 |1:20:07
106.Will Braithwaite 17 M B 45 7:26 1:41 63 | 3:57 296 | 38:34 17.1 262 | 1:38 56 | 28:38 7:10 39 |1:20:13
107.Jennifer Soss 28 F I 404 7:59 1:49 106 | 3:06 155 | 34:13 19.3 125 | 1:54 127 | 33:06 8:16 138 |1:20:18
108.Jason Taylor 40 M I 431 7:58 1:49 102 | 2:35 76 | 32:28 20.3 74 | 2:33 293 | 34:58 8:44 202 |1:20:32
109.Denise Ricci 33 F I 359 8:44 1:59 177 |38:16 452 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |1:20:33
110.Attila Matyas 44 M I 268 8:56 2:02 192 | 1:57 14 | 30:12 21.9 25 | 2:39 308 | 36:53 9:13 259 |1:20:37
111.James Hanrahan 56 M I 187 9:32 2:10 246 | 3:17 181 | 33:42 19.6 112 | 2:09 185 | 32:05 8:01 104 |1:20:45
112.Travis Lamb 42 M I 236 8:45 1:59 180 | 3:41 247 | 33:47 19.5 113 | 2:29 274 | 32:07 8:02 105 |1:20:49
113.David Hassman 48 M I 195 8:39 1:58 169 | 2:41 93 | 34:00 19.4 119 | 1:40 60 | 33:50 8:28 166 |1:20:50
114.Kieran Dempsey 16 M I 107 9:38 2:11 253 | 3:27 212 | 36:13 18.2 198 | 1:37 55 | 29:59 7:30 61 |1:20:54
115.Alison Olver 39 F I 323 8:32 1:56 147 | 3:35 233 | 37:01 17.8 220 | 2:17 222 | 29:30 7:22 55 |1:20:55
116.Kevin Quinn 38 M I 349 7:48 1:46 90 | 2:34 74 | 34:38 19.1 137 | 2:21 237 | 33:36 8:24 155 |1:20:57
117.Dominic Mesoraca 42 M I 286 11:22 2:35 345 | 3:06 154 | 33:56 19.4 118 | 2:22 242 | 30:19 7:35 67 |1:21:05
118.Shannon Chester 24 F I 67 10:42 2:26 319 | 3:47 272 | 35:00 18.9 150 | 2:17 221 | 29:19 7:20 52 |1:21:05
119.Laura Gart 27 F I 166 6:49 1:33 36 | 3:42 255 | 34:55 18.9 146 | 1:49 103 | 34:05 8:31 172 |1:21:20
120.Paul Mckenzie 47 M B 282 6:36 1:30 24 | 3:51 281 | 35:03 18.8 152 | 1:32 43 | 34:29 8:37 187 |1:21:31
121.Robert Deegan 36 M I 101 8:39 1:58 170 | 3:11 171 | 34:52 18.9 143 | 2:01 152 | 32:50 8:12 127 |1:21:33
122.Matthew Mcgarity 27 M I 274 8:40 1:58 173 | 4:11 318 | 41:18 16.0 341 | 1:28 31 | 26:07 6:32 11 |1:21:44
123.Natasha Koermer 19 F I 229 8:26 1:55 134 | 2:47 103 | 35:37 18.5 178 | 2:19 232 | 32:36 8:09 118 |1:21:45
124.Dave Bolten 41 M I 30 9:41 2:12 255 | 2:24 56 | 36:02 18.3 191 | 1:16 7 | 32:22 8:06 110 |1:21:45
125.Bryan Pukenas 37 M I 347 8:33 1:57 148 | 2:59 136 | 32:26 20.3 73 | 2:45 321 | 35:11 8:48 208 |1:21:54
126.Barbara Tafuto 45 F I 424 8:32 1:56 145 | 2:39 88 | 36:54 17.9 217 | 1:26 27 | 32:25 8:06 111 |1:21:56
127.Donna Maugeri 57 F I 270 9:51 2:14 269 | 3:01 143 | 33:21 19.8 103 | 2:07 172 | 33:37 8:24 156 |1:21:57
128.Mb Holmes 49 F I 201 8:34 1:57 154 | 2:36 82 | 33:06 19.9 96 | 1:53 121 | 36:12 9:03 241 |1:22:21
129.Jim Dralle 56 M I 122 8:14 1:52 118 | 3:46 268 | 31:57 20.7 60 | 2:46 327 | 35:52 8:58 226 |1:22:35
130.Scott Kreter 43 M I 233 7:46 1:46 88 | 2:58 130 | 36:46 18.0 216 | 2:15 212 | 32:56 8:14 131 |1:22:41
131.Dean Fischer 37 M I 145 7:21 1:40 59 | 3:40 244 | 35:00 18.9 151 | 2:26 262 | 34:16 8:34 181 |1:22:43
132.Collette Mancuso 34 F B 260 8:00 1:49 109 | 2:56 125 | 35:42 18.5 182 | 2:26 261 | 33:39 8:25 159 |1:22:43
133.Rob Baldwin 49 M I 11 9:27 2:09 240 | 2:17 44 | 33:00 20.0 94 | 2:04 164 | 36:04 9:01 233 |1:22:52
134.Ed Pistilli 58 M B 342 8:25 1:55 132 | 3:02 148 | 35:05 18.8 155 | 2:07 174 | 34:17 8:34 182 |1:22:56
135.Cari Mccann 41 F I 271 8:26 1:55 135 | 3:01 144 | 36:31 18.1 209 | 2:18 228 | 32:40 8:10 119 |1:22:56
136.Thomas De Vietro 28 M 496 9:42 2:12 257 | 4:55 369 | 40:45 16.2 327 | 1:56 131 | 25:39 6:25 7 |1:22:57
137.John Mclaughlin 42 M I 284 9:34 2:10 251 | 3:18 185 | 35:47 18.4 184 | 1:43 75 | 32:40 8:10 120 |1:23:02
138.Catherine Restrepo 47 F I 354 9:44 2:13 259 | 3:00 141 | 36:20 18.2 204 | 2:38 304 | 31:24 7:51 88 |1:23:06
139.Matthew Berry 24 M I 21 8:26 1:55 136 | 3:03 150 | 35:45 18.5 183 | 2:11 198 | 33:42 8:26 161 |1:23:07
140.Ethan Kramer 16 M I 232 7:24 1:41 62 | 2:38 85 | 39:03 16.9 282 | 1:44 79 | 32:18 8:04 107 |1:23:07
141.Kayvon Tabatabai 27 M I 423 9:24 2:08 234 | 3:00 140 | 35:08 18.8 159 | 2:32 287 | 33:09 8:17 141 |1:23:13
142.Margaret Keena 44 F I 217 8:35 1:57 159 | 2:39 87 | 36:03 18.3 192 | 2:05 167 | 34:01 8:30 171 |1:23:23
143.Rick Deolivera 48 M I 109 8:55 2:02 191 | 2:49 109 | 32:45 20.2 85 | 2:17 223 | 36:37 9:09 250 |1:23:23
144.Doug Smith 23 M I 399 9:25 2:08 236 | 3:16 178 | 32:43 20.2 84 | 2:30 280 | 35:30 8:52 216 |1:23:24
145.Laura Green 24 F I 177 9:51 2:14 268 | 2:26 62 | 35:08 18.8 158 | 1:54 129 | 34:06 8:32 174 |1:23:25
146.Sal Palermo 55 M I 327 9:55 2:15 274 | 3:42 254 | 34:32 19.1 134 | 1:52 114 | 33:31 8:23 153 |1:23:32
147.John Torress 51 M I 438 7:28 1:42 66 | 4:45 359 | 33:21 19.8 104 | 3:38 400 | 34:22 8:36 185 |1:23:34
148.Jane Bergan 48 F I 19 7:37 1:44 76 | 2:26 60 | 34:33 19.1 135 | 2:09 187 | 36:53 9:13 260 |1:23:38
149.Maureen Bald Baldwin 45 F B 10 8:56 2:02 194 | 2:35 79 | 38:13 17.3 247 | 1:20 11 | 32:40 8:10 121 |1:23:44
150.Vincent Difilippo 15 M I 113 7:53 1:47 96 | 3:33 230 | 39:14 16.8 292 | 1:15 6 | 31:52 7:58 100 |1:23:47
151.Scott Phillips 23 M I 341 9:31 2:10 245 | 3:17 184 | 41:52 15.8 354 | 2:30 279 | 26:42 6:40 16 |1:23:52
152.Michael Bolten 46 M I 33 8:35 1:57 161 | 3:41 248 | 34:23 19.2 130 | 2:56 345 | 34:18 8:34 184 |1:23:53
153.Chris Ciarrocchi 41 M B 79 8:48 2:00 182 | 2:31 73 | 35:37 18.5 177 | 2:10 192 | 34:55 8:44 200 |1:24:01
154.Jason Hook 41 M I 202 11:47 2:41 368 | 3:02 147 | 32:53 20.1 90 | 1:52 116 | 34:28 8:37 186 |1:24:02
155.Lauren Robbins 35 F B 360 8:35 1:57 158 | 2:20 50 | 33:50 19.5 114 | 1:29 37 | 37:50 9:28 277 |1:24:04
156.Jenn Masse 26 F I 266 8:25 1:55 131 | 3:01 145 | 37:14 17.7 225 | 2:18 229 | 33:08 8:17 140 |1:24:06
157.Caroline Galone 38 F I 165 8:29 1:56 141 | 3:00 138 | 34:55 18.9 147 | 2:22 244 | 35:22 8:50 212 |1:24:08
158.Lawrence Pockers 39 M 497 11:08 2:32 338 | 3:55 289 | 32:36 20.2 77 | 3:30 393 | 32:59 8:15 133 |1:24:08
159.Charles Monahan 49 M I 293 8:50 2:00 184 | 4:57 370 | 32:42 20.2 83 | 2:56 346 | 34:45 8:41 196 |1:24:10
160.John Mueller 38 M I 299 7:32 1:43 71 | 2:25 59 | 36:33 18.1 210 | 2:23 249 | 35:18 8:50 211 |1:24:11
161.Megan Reedell 35 F I 351 9:11 2:05 212 | 2:27 67 | 35:30 18.6 173 | 2:33 292 | 34:38 8:40 190 |1:24:19
162.Thomas Reynolds 17 M I 357 6:31 1:29 22 | 2:46 102 | 43:26 15.2 383 | 1:11 4 | 30:25 7:36 71 |1:24:19
163.Andrzej Kozlowski 34 M I 231 9:40 2:12 254 | 3:10 167 | 36:17 18.2 203 | 1:57 135 | 33:25 8:21 150 |1:24:29
164.Kyle Mckendrick 26 M I 278 8:21 1:54 125 | 2:48 105 | 33:27 19.7 108 | 2:14 208 | 37:42 9:26 271 |1:24:32
165.Nicholas Vaganos 60 M B 444 9:57 2:16 276 | 2:49 112 | 34:26 19.2 132 | 2:19 233 | 35:04 8:46 204 |1:24:35
166.Danielle Lindner 30 F I 250 6:00 1:22 9 | 3:23 198 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |1:24:35
167.Edward O'connor 44 M I 320 10:01 2:17 283 | 2:48 104 | 33:08 19.9 98 | 2:29 275 | 36:14 9:04 244 |1:24:40
168.Eileen Kelly 35 F B 219 7:33 1:43 74 | 2:57 128 | 36:23 18.1 205 | 2:18 230 | 35:37 8:54 218 |1:24:48
169.Rob Tiberi 44 M I 436 7:46 1:46 89 | 3:55 290 | 35:17 18.7 162 | 3:10 368 | 34:41 8:40 193 |1:24:49
170.David O'brien 48 M I 317 9:18 2:07 225 | 3:08 160 | 35:40 18.5 180 | 2:04 163 | 34:40 8:40 191 |1:24:50
171.Orin Strauchler 38 M I 415 9:49 2:14 266 | 2:52 116 | 36:10 18.2 195 | 2:05 168 | 34:05 8:31 173 |1:25:01
172.Charles Warner 39 M I 453 9:11 2:05 213 | 3:43 262 | 35:05 18.8 156 | 2:52 342 | 34:13 8:33 179 |1:25:04
173.Scott Rote 48 M B 372 10:54 2:29 332 | 2:53 119 | 32:47 20.1 87 | 2:00 147 | 36:34 9:08 249 |1:25:08
174.Matt Thomas 31 M I 435 8:34 1:57 156 | 3:09 164 | 34:31 19.1 133 | 3:42 411 | 35:16 8:49 210 |1:25:12
175.Daniela Cassara 21 F B 60 9:12 2:05 216 | 3:23 200 | 38:19 17.2 252 | 1:17 8 | 33:01 8:15 135 |1:25:12
176.Donald Heilman 59 M I 197 10:24 2:22 306 | 3:33 229 | 35:05 18.8 154 | 2:07 173 | 34:07 8:32 176 |1:25:16
177.Owen Braithwaite 14 M B 44 7:57 1:48 101 | 4:05 309 | 37:54 17.4 242 | 2:11 197 | 33:11 8:18 142 |1:25:18
178.Jeff Lancaster 37 M 482 10:05 2:17 289 | 3:05 153 | 35:20 18.7 165 | 3:12 369 | 33:45 8:26 162 |1:25:27
179.Luke Howard 18 M I 203 10:02 2:17 286 | 3:45 267 | 37:12 17.7 224 | 1:47 96 | 32:48 8:12 125 |1:25:34
180.Brian Bogdanoff 29 M I 28 8:40 1:58 172 | 2:35 78 | 37:16 17.7 226 | 1:47 98 | 35:28 8:52 215 |1:25:46
181.Michael Sautner 50 M I 379 9:26 2:09 238 | 3:51 282 | 36:35 18.0 211 | 3:36 396 | 32:27 8:07 114 |1:25:55
182.Allison Bogdanoff 26 F I 27 9:02 2:03 201 | 2:41 94 | 36:58 17.9 219 | 1:50 109 | 35:24 8:51 213 |1:25:55
183.Jose Moreno 52 M B 297 10:53 2:28 330 | 3:41 251 | 37:11 17.7 223 | 2:40 309 | 31:30 7:52 91 |1:25:55
184.Danny Brown 15 M 468 9:01 2:03 200 | 3:38 239 | 41:50 15.8 353 | 1:32 42 | 29:56 7:29 59 |1:25:57
185.Susan Kent Scartelli 54 F I 381 10:23 2:22 304 | 2:35 77 | 36:28 18.1 208 | 1:24 20 | 35:10 8:48 207 |1:26:00
186.Lily Everett 14 F I 135 8:35 1:57 164 | 4:01 301 | 36:55 17.9 218 | 1:33 44 | 35:00 8:45 203 |1:26:04
187.Lloyd Achey 20 M I 1 8:51 2:01 186 | 4:32 343 | 39:06 16.9 287 | 1:43 74 | 32:02 8:00 103 |1:26:14
188.William Baldwin 51 M B 12 7:05 1:37 49 | 2:22 52 | 33:03 20.0 95 | 1:40 62 | 42:11 10:33 350 |1:26:21
189.John Rosania 46 M I 368 10:35 2:24 315 | 3:52 284 | 36:38 18.0 213 | 3:05 361 | 32:18 8:04 108 |1:26:28
190.Riley Dunbar 17 M I 128 10:03 2:17 287 | 3:10 168 | 37:41 17.5 237 | 2:08 181 | 33:27 8:22 151 |1:26:29
191.Lauren Dickson 24 F I 112 7:27 1:42 64 | 5:10 383 | 38:37 17.1 264 | 1:29 36 | 33:49 8:27 165 |1:26:32
192.Christopher Rose 13 M 504 7:59 1:49 107 | 3:43 263 | 38:22 17.2 258 | 1:47 97 | 34:41 8:40 194 |1:26:32
193.Richard Ciuba 47 M I 81 8:52 2:01 188 | 5:15 388 | 35:04 18.8 153 | 2:39 307 | 34:43 8:41 195 |1:26:33
194.Peter Schaffer 48 M I 384 9:54 2:15 273 | 2:53 120 | 33:50 19.5 115 | 2:10 193 | 37:51 9:28 278 |1:26:38
195.Stephen Barney 50 M I 16 7:51 1:47 94 | 3:10 165 | 34:33 19.1 136 | 2:19 235 | 38:48 9:42 300 |1:26:41
196.Carrie Mulford 43 F B 301 10:49 2:27 326 | 3:00 139 | 34:59 18.9 148 | 2:50 339 | 35:06 8:46 206 |1:26:44
197.Angela Barney 16 F I 15 8:34 1:57 155 | 2:39 89 | 40:38 16.2 324 | 1:23 15 | 33:30 8:22 152 |1:26:44
198.Tim Reese 55 M I 353 10:09 2:18 291 | 3:17 182 | 35:40 18.5 181 | 2:47 330 | 34:52 8:43 198 |1:26:45
199.Luis Alfaro 31 M I 6 8:56 2:02 195 | 2:52 117 | 38:34 17.1 263 | 1:49 104 | 34:35 8:39 188 |1:26:46
200.Michele Marut 38 F I 265 8:33 1:57 151 | 5:05 376 | 40:11 16.4 317 | 2:08 179 | 30:51 7:43 78 |1:26:48
201.Breanne Scullin 26 F I 394 11:39 2:39 357 | 3:21 192 | 37:26 17.6 231 | 1:34 46 | 32:51 8:13 128 |1:26:51
202.Kevin Vanic 40 M I 446 7:59 1:49 105 | 3:04 151 | 34:22 19.2 128 | 3:41 407 | 37:48 9:27 274 |1:26:54
203.Paul Eichman 48 M I 130 8:57 2:02 198 | 2:10 35 | 35:28 18.6 171 | 1:20 12 | 39:01 9:45 303 |1:26:56
204.Joseph Stanton 60 M I 406 8:36 1:57 166 | 2:51 115 | 36:00 18.3 190 | 2:35 299 | 37:03 9:16 261 |1:27:05
205.Jack Crooks 13 M B 92 8:23 1:54 129 | 3:39 241 | 39:49 16.6 305 | 2:00 146 | 33:16 8:19 145 |1:27:07
206.Michael Lisansky 44 M I 251 11:52 2:42 371 | 2:58 129 | 35:00 18.9 149 | 1:47 99 | 35:38 8:54 219 |1:27:15
207.Michael Van Horn 46 M I 445 11:59 2:43 374 | 4:49 363 | 34:19 19.2 127 | 2:11 199 | 33:58 8:30 167 |1:27:16
208.Jill Tate 37 F B 478 8:33 1:57 150 | 3:26 209 | 35:27 18.6 170 | 2:28 271 | 37:28 9:22 268 |1:27:22
209.Kelly Dougherty 24 F I 121 8:33 1:57 149 | 3:17 183 | 38:58 16.9 279 | 2:23 248 | 34:11 8:33 178 |1:27:22
210.David Rosenfeld 20 M I 371 9:22 2:08 231 | 3:48 273 | 35:15 18.7 161 | 2:28 270 | 36:29 9:07 246 |1:27:22
211.Kiel Hiller 23 M I 199 9:10 2:05 211 | 3:42 256 | 36:11 18.2 197 | 2:28 269 | 36:02 9:00 232 |1:27:33
212.Barbara Clarke 55 F I 83 9:45 2:13 261 | 2:54 122 | 36:15 18.2 201 | 2:40 310 | 36:09 9:02 239 |1:27:43
213.Jeanne Seymour 41 F I 396 11:24 2:35 347 | 2:58 131 | 38:14 17.3 249 | 1:54 128 | 33:13 8:18 143 |1:27:43
214.John Druding 37 M I 123 8:48 2:00 183 | 3:41 250 | 36:00 18.3 189 | 2:32 288 | 36:47 9:12 255 |1:27:48
215.Kurt Wiest 48 M I 457 8:46 2:00 181 | 3:31 222 | 34:04 19.4 120 | 2:09 188 | 39:18 9:50 308 |1:27:48
216.Gabriel Arizin 12 M B 466 8:35 1:57 162 | 3:44 265 | 41:12 16.0 339 | 1:53 118 | 32:25 8:06 112 |1:27:49
217.Jason Snyderman 40 M I 403 7:53 1:47 97 | 5:00 372 | 37:42 17.5 239 | 3:27 391 | 33:58 8:30 168 |1:28:00
218.Dave Demarco 46 M B 105 7:08 1:37 51 | 2:46 99 | 32:54 20.1 91 | 2:44 317 | 42:45 10:41 358 |1:28:17
219.Tom Clancy 56 M I 82 9:16 2:06 220 | 3:16 179 | 33:06 19.9 97 | 3:53 417 | 38:47 9:42 298 |1:28:18
220.Daniel Brown 14 M B 51 8:02 1:50 111 | 3:37 236 | 42:34 15.5 369 | 1:41 63 | 32:32 8:08 116 |1:28:26
221.Ed Miller 28 M I 288 11:21 2:35 344 | 3:30 220 | 38:59 16.9 280 | 1:44 80 | 32:56 8:14 132 |1:28:30
222.Lauren Stinson 16 F B 411 8:16 1:53 122 | 5:17 389 | 41:46 15.8 350 | 2:11 195 | 31:01 7:45 82 |1:28:31
223.Jeffrey Wiseman 42 M I 458 9:10 2:05 210 | 3:22 195 | 37:33 17.6 234 | 2:31 285 | 35:55 8:59 228 |1:28:31
224.Kathleen Dohn 31 F I 118 9:09 2:05 208 | 3:27 213 | 37:26 17.6 232 | 2:03 159 | 36:33 9:08 248 |1:28:38
225.Devin Chiari 22 M I 71 16:00 3:38 436 | 4:30 340 | 32:49 20.1 88 | 1:53 119 | 33:31 8:23 154 |1:28:43
226.Anthony Giacobetti 50 M I 168 8:03 1:50 112 | 4:14 324 | 35:30 18.6 174 | 2:36 301 | 38:20 9:35 290 |1:28:43
227.Seymour Josephson 48 M 502 9:58 2:16 277 | 3:22 194 | 33:10 19.9 100 | 4:07 423 | 38:10 9:32 284 |1:28:47
228.John Zohlman Iii 48 M I 464 8:35 1:57 165 | 5:14 386 | 37:54 17.4 241 | 2:09 186 | 34:55 8:44 201 |1:28:47
229.Martin Paulinec 48 M 489 12:50 2:55 402 | 2:49 111 | 32:51 20.1 89 | 2:16 220 | 38:12 9:33 286 |1:28:58
230.Kris Macready 34 M I 257 10:18 2:20 299 | 5:02 373 | 35:26 18.6 169 | 2:45 322 | 35:38 8:54 220 |1:29:09
231.Robert Dimaio 25 M I 115 14:38 3:20 425 | 2:54 121 | 36:10 18.2 194 | 1:41 65 | 34:06 8:32 175 |1:29:29
232.Jeffrey Newdeck 36 M I 314 9:14 2:06 217 | 6:14 420 | 39:05 16.9 285 | 2:25 255 | 32:48 8:12 126 |1:29:46
233.Larry Boyer 49 M 501 12:29 2:50 391 | 2:56 126 | 35:57 18.4 187 | 2:23 250 | 36:01 9:00 230 |1:29:46
234.Ellen Brady 37 F I 40 9:41 2:12 256 | 5:32 399 | 38:52 17.0 271 | 2:08 182 | 33:39 8:25 160 |1:29:52
235.Andrea Giuliano 20 F I 170 8:32 1:56 146 | 2:43 97 | 38:15 17.3 250 | 1:39 59 | 38:43 9:41 297 |1:29:52
236.Jeff Moore 38 M I 295 6:43 1:32 34 | 4:45 360 | 36:40 18.0 215 | 2:31 286 | 39:18 9:50 309 |1:29:57
237.John Reynolds 51 M I 356 10:59 2:30 335 | 3:57 295 | 38:30 17.1 260 | 3:18 378 | 33:23 8:21 149 |1:30:07
238.Suzanne Scelza 49 F I 382 14:10 3:13 421 | 3:41 249 | 34:40 19.0 138 | 1:53 120 | 35:45 8:56 222 |1:30:09
239.Stuart Brereton 42 M I 50 6:37 1:30 25 | 3:08 161 | 36:10 18.2 196 | 2:41 312 | 41:36 10:24 343 |1:30:12
240.Gary Jenkins 60 M I 211 10:10 2:19 292 | 4:01 302 | 37:25 17.6 230 | 2:49 336 | 35:47 8:57 224 |1:30:12
241.Graham Greenwood 43 M I 180 10:25 2:22 307 | 4:47 362 | 38:58 16.9 278 | 2:05 166 | 33:58 8:30 169 |1:30:13
242.Brian Miles 28 M I 287 8:37 1:57 167 | 3:53 287 | 38:55 17.0 274 | 2:45 323 | 36:07 9:02 236 |1:30:17
243.Jeremy Straight 30 M I 413 9:19 2:07 226 | 3:54 288 | 42:33 15.5 367 | 2:02 155 | 32:34 8:08 117 |1:30:22
244.Thomas Nelson 44 M I 313 8:51 2:01 185 | 4:11 317 | 37:10 17.8 222 | 3:26 390 | 36:47 9:12 256 |1:30:25
245.Diane Taylor 38 F I 429 8:54 2:01 189 | 3:18 186 | 38:18 17.2 251 | 1:56 134 | 38:05 9:31 283 |1:30:31
246.Bernard Feeney 50 M I 140 10:21 2:21 302 | 3:48 275 | 38:58 16.9 277 | 1:42 69 | 35:45 8:56 223 |1:30:34
247.Hannah Christopher 50 F I 75 12:38 2:52 397 | 2:09 32 | 42:34 15.5 368 | 1:25 22 | 31:52 7:58 101 |1:30:38
248.David Freschi 47 M I 158 11:45 2:40 366 | 3:07 156 | 35:20 18.7 164 | 2:32 289 | 37:54 9:28 280 |1:30:38
249.Kenneth Lawall 56 M I 238 7:40 1:45 80 |12:12 446 | 38:21 17.2 256 | 2:23 247 | 30:11 7:33 65 |1:30:47
250.Louis Lupinacci 22 M B 256 7:42 1:45 83 | 4:21 333 | 40:40 16.2 326 | 1:56 133 | 36:12 9:03 242 |1:30:51
251.Hannah Feeney 17 F I 142 8:56 2:02 193 | 2:11 37 | 42:47 15.4 374 | 1:45 84 | 35:14 8:48 209 |1:30:53
252.Kathleen Rohm 44 F I 366 7:44 1:45 85 | 3:40 245 | 39:43 16.6 304 | 3:44 412 | 36:05 9:01 234 |1:30:56
253.Ari Ohama 48 M 499 9:59 2:16 281 | 4:12 320 | 36:27 18.1 207 | 3:20 381 | 37:05 9:16 263 |1:31:03
254.Robert Stein 46 M I 408 9:17 2:07 224 | 4:26 337 | 32:37 20.2 78 | 3:16 376 | 41:35 10:24 341 |1:31:11
255.Robert Digregorio 54 M I 114 9:25 2:08 237 | 4:39 351 | 41:29 15.9 345 | 2:52 341 | 32:51 8:13 129 |1:31:16
256.Thomas Mitchell 60 M I 292 9:33 2:10 248 | 3:10 166 | 34:46 19.0 140 | 2:30 284 | 41:33 10:23 340 |1:31:32
257.Steve Cordasco 47 M B 469 9:33 2:10 250 | 3:49 278 | 40:39 16.2 325 | 1:50 110 | 35:50 8:58 225 |1:31:41
258.Christian Sweeney 34 M I 420 12:18 2:48 381 | 3:50 279 | 39:41 16.6 302 | 1:40 61 | 34:14 8:34 180 |1:31:43
259.Andrew Schmitt 28 M I 387 10:23 2:22 305 | 3:26 211 | 42:47 15.4 375 | 2:03 157 | 33:06 8:16 139 |1:31:45
260.Lisa Bolten 46 F I 31 13:02 2:58 407 | 2:35 80 | 38:32 17.1 261 | 2:25 257 | 35:32 8:53 217 |1:32:06
261.Carole Cohen 51 F I 86 11:52 2:42 372 | 2:59 137 | 36:27 18.1 206 | 2:19 234 | 38:33 9:38 292 |1:32:10
262.Allen Cohen 59 M I 85 7:00 1:35 44 | 4:53 366 | 35:32 18.6 175 | 2:57 348 | 42:05 10:31 349 |1:32:27
263.Jacqueline Johnson 49 F I 212 12:42 2:53 398 | 4:19 329 | 35:49 18.4 185 | 2:30 282 | 37:07 9:17 264 |1:32:27
264.Vicki West 45 F I 454 11:37 2:38 356 | 3:42 258 | 38:55 17.0 273 | 2:07 175 | 36:07 9:02 237 |1:32:28
265.Keely Lepera Murray 43 F 486 9:07 2:04 206 | 3:07 157 | 38:20 17.2 254 | 2:15 215 | 39:43 9:56 317 |1:32:32
266.Ted Lawler 43 M I 242 7:38 1:44 79 | 4:08 315 | 38:46 17.0 268 | 2:46 328 | 39:14 9:48 307 |1:32:32
267.Douglas Scartelli 52 M I 380 8:18 1:53 123 | 3:20 190 | 38:57 16.9 275 | 2:00 150 | 40:00 10:00 321 |1:32:35
268.Leo Shearn 43 M I 397 9:09 2:05 207 | 3:24 202 | 35:26 18.6 168 | 2:27 265 | 42:15 10:34 352 |1:32:41
269.Chris Ball 26 M I 13 7:44 1:45 84 | 3:32 225 | 38:14 17.3 248 | 1:25 23 | 41:55 10:29 348 |1:32:50
270.Howard Hassman 56 M B 196 9:28 2:09 243 | 3:26 210 | 36:38 18.0 212 | 2:15 216 | 41:09 10:17 332 |1:32:56
271.Martha Theodoris 20 F I 433 8:56 2:02 196 | 4:31 341 | 37:31 17.6 233 | 2:01 154 | 39:58 10:00 320 |1:32:57
272.Cara Rosenfeld 24 F I 370 9:35 2:11 252 | 3:02 149 | 39:38 16.7 301 | 2:14 209 | 38:40 9:40 294 |1:33:09
273.Wayne Achey 52 M I 2 11:31 2:37 349 | 4:04 308 | 41:11 16.0 338 | 1:58 139 | 34:36 8:39 189 |1:33:20
274.Kathryn Restrepo 17 F I 355 6:30 1:29 21 | 4:02 305 | 42:13 15.6 361 | 2:15 214 | 38:20 9:35 291 |1:33:20
275.Jennifer Grippi 37 F I 182 11:31 2:37 350 | 4:38 350 | 39:32 16.7 298 | 1:47 100 | 35:54 8:58 227 |1:33:22
276.Larissa Druding 36 F I 124 12:11 2:46 378 | 3:37 234 | 39:52 16.6 308 | 1:46 93 | 35:56 8:59 229 |1:33:22
277.Sandra Massi 33 F I 267 9:17 2:07 222 | 2:48 107 | 39:06 16.9 288 | 2:24 254 | 39:48 9:57 319 |1:33:23
278.Tracy Lawall 26 F I 240 12:50 2:55 403 | 4:37 349 | 42:37 15.5 372 | 1:44 78 | 31:47 7:57 97 |1:33:35
279.Daniel Fisher 16 M 471 9:02 2:03 202 | 3:39 243 | 45:05 14.6 399 | 1:54 130 | 34:10 8:32 177 |1:33:50
280.Matthew Crooks 13 M B 93 8:25 1:55 133 | 3:43 264 | 40:09 16.4 314 | 1:58 141 | 39:36 9:54 313 |1:33:51
281.Chris Bickel 44 M I 23 9:59 2:16 279 | 3:24 205 | 41:00 16.1 334 | 1:57 136 | 37:58 9:30 282 |1:34:18
282.Molly Dunbar 21 F I 127 8:21 1:54 126 | 5:51 409 | 40:56 16.1 332 | 2:30 281 | 36:50 9:12 258 |1:34:28
283.Margot Murray 14 F B 307 8:34 1:57 152 | 2:08 30 | 43:11 15.3 378 | 1:46 94 | 38:53 9:43 302 |1:34:32
284.Alyssa Sunday 25 F I 417 9:59 2:16 280 | 4:08 314 | 38:20 17.2 255 | 3:02 357 | 39:10 9:48 304 |1:34:39
285.Meghan Rogers 32 F I 365 10:02 2:17 285 | 3:38 238 | 38:54 17.0 272 | 2:29 276 | 39:36 9:54 314 |1:34:39
286.Timothy Fradeneck 49 M I 154 8:27 1:55 138 | 3:08 159 | 34:50 18.9 142 | 2:25 259 | 45:50 11:28 397 |1:34:40
287.Erin Mccann 40 M I 272 9:56 2:15 275 | 2:52 118 | 39:50 16.6 306 | 1:27 29 | 40:51 10:13 327 |1:34:56
288.Sean O'connor 14 M I 321 7:48 1:46 91 | 3:37 235 | 40:09 16.4 315 | 1:58 142 | 41:35 10:24 342 |1:35:07
289.Kristen Kemp 32 F I 221 11:42 2:40 361 | 3:50 280 | 42:00 15.7 355 | 2:03 158 | 35:39 8:55 221 |1:35:14
290.Conor Mullett 46 M I 302 9:51 2:14 270 | 4:00 300 | 37:38 17.5 236 | 4:21 425 | 39:27 9:52 311 |1:35:17
291.Sophia Nekoranik 49 F B 312 10:54 2:29 333 | 3:22 196 | 38:01 17.4 244 | 2:12 204 | 40:50 10:12 326 |1:35:19
292.Kevin Mcgowan 46 M I 277 12:17 2:47 379 | 3:42 259 | 40:33 16.3 321 | 1:53 122 | 37:03 9:16 262 |1:35:28
293.Rachel Innella 24 F I 210 9:48 2:14 264 | 4:39 353 | 48:46 13.5 430 | 2:22 241 | 30:01 7:30 63 |1:35:36
294.Patricia Noonan 49 F I 315 13:58 3:10 418 | 4:12 321 | 37:44 17.5 240 | 2:30 283 | 37:29 9:22 269 |1:35:53
295.Bob Scullin 58 M I 393 11:20 2:35 343 | 4:42 356 | 38:44 17.0 267 | 3:19 379 | 37:51 9:28 279 |1:35:56
296.Jennifer Famous 26 F I 138 10:40 2:25 317 | 3:58 297 | 38:57 16.9 276 | 3:39 404 | 38:47 9:42 299 |1:36:01
297.Alison Galik 42 F I 164 10:42 2:26 320 | 4:25 335 | 39:23 16.8 296 | 2:01 153 | 39:37 9:54 315 |1:36:08
298.Cole Murray 11 M B 306 7:21 1:40 58 | 3:27 214 | 38:40 17.1 265 | 1:59 145 | 44:50 11:12 384 |1:36:17
299.Christine Stelmach 46 F I 409 12:03 2:44 375 | 3:33 231 | 42:11 15.6 360 | 2:26 263 | 36:07 9:02 238 |1:36:20
300.Michael O'kane 46 M I 322 8:34 1:57 157 | 5:13 385 | 43:29 15.2 385 | 1:45 85 | 37:22 9:20 267 |1:36:23
301.Jeff Everett 49 M 505 9:44 2:13 260 | 9:02 438 | 38:20 17.2 253 | 1:49 105 | 37:29 9:22 270 |1:36:24
302.Kyle Hanson 16 M I 189 8:42 1:59 176 | 2:40 92 | 40:08 16.4 313 | 1:59 144 | 42:56 10:44 361 |1:36:25
303.Steven Falkenstein 59 M I 137 10:33 2:24 314 | 4:42 355 | 36:14 18.2 200 | 2:34 296 | 42:26 10:36 355 |1:36:29
304.Ryan Dempsey 20 M I 108 10:08 2:18 290 | 5:17 390 | 43:08 15.3 377 | 1:58 140 | 36:01 9:00 231 |1:36:32
305.Frank Durkin 15 M I 129 9:53 2:15 272 | 4:49 365 | 46:56 14.1 417 | 1:42 68 | 33:22 8:20 148 |1:36:42
306.Jennifer Flynn 41 F I 152 10:15 2:20 295 | 3:26 208 | 35:06 18.8 157 | 5:28 442 | 42:28 10:37 356 |1:36:43
307.Sarah Flook 38 F I 148 12:31 2:51 392 | 3:24 204 | 40:51 16.2 331 | 2:16 219 | 37:43 9:26 272 |1:36:45
308.Christina Pelosi 34 F I 336 8:35 1:57 160 | 3:29 218 | 44:04 15.0 391 | 2:00 149 | 38:41 9:40 295 |1:36:49
309.Michael Klaschka 44 M I 228 12:21 2:48 388 | 4:55 368 | 39:14 16.8 293 | 3:02 356 | 37:18 9:20 265 |1:36:50
310.Kristin Smith 17 F I 400 8:28 1:55 140 | 4:19 330 | 40:09 16.4 316 | 2:22 245 | 41:37 10:24 344 |1:36:55
311.Megan Schluckebier 23 F I 386 9:27 2:09 241 | 3:58 298 | 41:03 16.1 336 | 3:15 373 | 39:13 9:48 306 |1:36:56
312.Jared Talarico 54 M I 425 12:23 2:49 389 | 5:03 375 | 40:35 16.3 322 | 2:11 201 | 36:48 9:12 257 |1:37:00
313.Lindsey Mills 28 F I 291 9:20 2:07 228 | 4:49 364 | 45:40 14.5 404 | 1:46 92 | 35:25 8:51 214 |1:37:00
314.Edward Gerhards 56 M 498 12:31 2:51 393 | 4:32 344 | 41:07 16.1 337 | 2:16 218 | 36:41 9:10 252 |1:37:07
315.Robert Stasiak 23 M I 407 11:40 2:39 360 | 4:37 348 | 41:01 16.1 335 | 2:18 231 | 37:48 9:27 275 |1:37:24
316.Stephanie Carpenter 40 F I 59 8:54 2:01 190 | 3:48 274 | 38:47 17.0 269 | 3:02 358 | 42:56 10:44 362 |1:37:27
317.Christina Vaganos 24 F B 443 7:53 1:47 95 | 3:10 169 | 39:05 16.9 286 | 2:41 313 | 44:39 11:10 382 |1:37:28
318.Kathryn Schmitt 26 F I 390 10:26 2:22 309 | 4:02 306 | 46:19 14.2 411 | 2:11 200 | 34:40 8:40 192 |1:37:38
319.Steven Billig 48 M I 26 10:04 2:17 288 | 4:13 323 | 37:21 17.7 229 | 4:59 437 | 41:12 10:18 334 |1:37:49
320.David Romisher 48 M I 367 8:56 2:02 197 | 5:26 396 | 37:16 17.7 227 | 4:59 438 | 41:12 10:18 333 |1:37:49
321.Maria Bolten 41 F I 32 10:45 2:27 321 | 4:09 316 | 39:18 16.8 294 | 2:03 160 | 41:45 10:26 346 |1:38:00
322.Brendan O'connor 14 M I 319 9:06 2:04 204 | 3:13 175 | 47:32 13.9 423 | 1:41 66 | 36:32 9:08 247 |1:38:04
323.Tom Gilligan 55 M I 169 11:03 2:31 336 | 3:56 294 | 41:14 16.0 340 | 2:13 206 | 39:41 9:55 316 |1:38:07
324.Tim Montag 54 M I 294 18:23 4:11 445 | 3:49 277 | 35:51 18.4 186 | 2:48 333 | 37:18 9:20 266 |1:38:09
325.Colleen Bowman 31 F I 38 7:17 1:39 54 | 2:58 133 | 41:23 15.9 342 | 2:17 225 | 44:14 11:04 375 |1:38:09
326.Michael Belsole 31 M I 18 10:40 2:25 318 | 4:41 354 | 42:30 15.5 366 | 5:17 439 | 35:04 8:46 205 |1:38:12
327.Jaime Schmitt 36 F I 389 12:19 2:48 384 | 2:46 101 | 38:26 17.2 259 | 3:03 359 | 41:39 10:25 345 |1:38:13
328.Lindsey Specht 26 F I 405 8:40 1:58 174 | 4:12 322 | 42:14 15.6 362 | 3:15 374 | 40:16 10:04 324 |1:38:37
329.Robert Lopez 60 M I 253 11:33 2:37 352 | 3:24 203 | 36:39 18.0 214 | 2:27 266 | 44:42 11:10 383 |1:38:45
330.Griffin Feeney 13 M I 141 8:39 1:58 171 | 3:21 193 | 42:26 15.6 364 | 1:49 106 | 42:30 10:38 357 |1:38:45
331.Michele Mc Gettigan 43 F 476 11:33 2:37 353 | 5:07 378 | 39:32 16.7 299 | 2:29 277 | 40:07 10:02 323 |1:38:48
332.Jessica Snyder 28 F I 402 14:02 3:11 419 | 3:42 260 | 40:48 16.2 329 | 2:12 203 | 38:11 9:33 285 |1:38:55
333.Raymond Kent 56 M 481 11:45 2:40 367 | 3:59 299 | 35:38 18.5 179 | 4:50 431 | 42:45 10:41 359 |1:38:57
334.Brian Fennell 43 M I 144 9:33 2:10 249 | 3:19 187 | 31:14 21.1 43 | 3:38 403 | 51:19 12:50 435 |1:39:03
335.Christopher Tate 37 M B 479 8:22 1:54 127 | 6:21 423 | 36:15 18.2 202 | 2:57 350 | 45:10 11:18 391 |1:39:05
336.Jack Taylor 58 M I 430 11:26 2:36 348 | 4:05 310 | 39:50 16.6 307 | 2:54 344 | 40:59 10:15 329 |1:39:14
337.Robert Chiari 48 M I 73 13:36 3:05 413 | 4:12 319 | 35:24 18.6 166 | 1:51 112 | 44:13 11:03 374 |1:39:16
338.Daniel Freschi 42 M I 157 12:59 2:57 405 | 3:56 291 | 37:05 17.8 221 | 2:22 246 | 42:58 10:44 363 |1:39:20
339.Marissa Murray 17 F B 308 8:31 1:56 143 | 2:28 69 | 45:15 14.6 400 | 2:17 224 | 40:53 10:13 328 |1:39:24
340.Patrick Murray 12 M B 309 9:07 2:04 205 | 2:58 134 | 44:43 14.8 394 | 1:27 30 | 41:18 10:20 336 |1:39:33
341.Lisa Coates 48 F B 84 10:48 2:27 325 | 4:34 345 | 39:03 16.9 284 | 4:02 422 | 41:07 10:17 330 |1:39:34
342.Brian Maroney 43 M I 264 7:32 1:43 73 | 3:51 283 | 38:43 17.0 266 | 3:38 402 | 45:54 11:28 398 |1:39:38
343.Jean Hacherl 42 F I 184 9:49 2:14 267 | 4:26 338 | 46:40 14.1 413 | 2:00 148 | 36:44 9:11 254 |1:39:39
344.Kelly Kent 43 F I 223 12:04 2:45 376 | 3:41 252 | 37:19 17.7 228 | 2:44 318 | 43:53 10:58 371 |1:39:41
345.Brad Magill 53 M I 258 13:56 3:10 417 | 5:56 412 | 34:40 19.0 139 | 6:24 444 | 38:49 9:42 301 |1:39:45
346.Jennifer Keats 44 F B 216 9:11 2:05 215 | 6:24 426 | 41:47 15.8 351 | 2:27 264 | 40:02 10:00 322 |1:39:51
347.Beth Cipollini 49 F B 80 11:44 2:40 364 | 2:34 75 | 39:28 16.7 297 | 2:43 316 | 43:26 10:52 365 |1:39:55
348.Matthew Robertson 28 M I 362 11:40 2:39 359 | 4:25 336 | 41:33 15.9 346 | 2:52 343 | 39:43 9:56 318 |1:40:13
349.Megan Craig 27 F I 89 9:22 2:08 232 | 5:19 392 | 46:46 14.1 415 | 2:34 295 | 36:21 9:05 245 |1:40:22
350.Rudy Diaz 16 M B 111 9:21 2:07 230 | 3:30 221 | 42:36 15.5 371 | 1:36 50 | 43:32 10:53 367 |1:40:35
351.Brett Kader 23 M I 214 8:29 1:56 142 | 8:54 437 | 40:59 16.1 333 | 3:22 383 | 39:12 9:48 305 |1:40:56
352.James Cannon 26 M 485 12:59 2:57 406 | 4:31 342 | 39:35 16.7 300 | 1:42 70 | 42:11 10:33 351 |1:40:58
353.Margaret Delury 55 F B 104 11:32 2:37 351 | 3:19 188 | 36:13 18.2 199 | 3:07 365 | 46:50 11:42 406 |1:41:01
354.Geoffrey Greenberg 45 M I 178 8:38 1:58 168 | 4:17 326 | 39:11 16.8 291 | 3:41 410 | 45:24 11:21 394 |1:41:11
355.Kristin Page 43 F I 325 9:17 2:07 223 | 3:41 253 | 43:18 15.2 379 | 3:21 382 | 41:50 10:28 347 |1:41:27
356.Sandy Cannon 43 F I 56 11:42 2:40 362 | 4:21 332 | 39:42 16.6 303 | 2:34 297 | 43:40 10:55 368 |1:41:59
357.Brian Murray 47 M B 305 9:15 2:06 218 | 2:58 132 | 39:02 16.9 281 | 3:33 395 | 47:18 11:50 411 |1:42:06
358.Michael Feely 67 M B 470 10:15 2:20 296 | 3:38 237 | 36:03 18.3 193 | 3:44 413 | 48:30 12:08 421 |1:42:10
359.Rick Bohner 59 M I 29 13:42 3:07 414 | 3:32 226 | 39:03 16.9 283 | 3:31 394 | 42:24 10:36 353 |1:42:12
360.Celia Ellenberg 31 F I 132 10:32 2:24 313 | 3:13 174 | 44:13 14.9 392 | 2:57 347 | 41:26 10:22 338 |1:42:21
361.Hugh Braithwaite 52 M B 43 11:19 2:34 341 | 5:26 397 | 46:00 14.3 409 | 1:50 111 | 38:16 9:34 288 |1:42:51
362.Theodore Levy 27 M I 247 16:36 3:46 439 | 4:20 331 | 42:04 15.7 356 | 3:49 414 | 36:05 9:01 235 |1:42:54
363.Patrick Donahue 68 M I 119 8:05 1:50 114 | 3:26 207 | 33:55 19.5 117 | 3:28 392 | 54:18 13:34 444 |1:43:12
364.Michael Kelly 41 M I 220 9:47 2:13 263 | 3:00 142 | 42:22 15.6 363 | 2:28 273 | 46:15 11:34 400 |1:43:52
365.John Mckenna 49 M B 280 15:04 3:25 430 | 5:36 401 | 35:59 18.3 188 | 2:45 325 | 44:36 11:09 380 |1:44:00
366.Pam Paparone 60 F I 330 9:58 2:16 278 | 3:46 271 | 43:43 15.1 387 | 2:57 349 | 43:40 10:55 369 |1:44:04
367.John Potts 56 M I 345 11:20 2:35 342 | 4:17 325 | 39:08 16.9 289 | 4:14 424 | 45:16 11:19 393 |1:44:15
368.John Miller 56 M B 484 11:36 2:38 355 | 7:56 434 | 41:34 15.9 347 | 3:57 420 | 39:25 9:51 310 |1:44:28
369.Jamie Iannone 40 M I 209 10:20 2:21 301 | 5:25 395 | 46:59 14.0 420 | 2:24 253 | 39:27 9:52 312 |1:44:35
370.Jake Greenberg 15 M I 179 9:23 2:08 233 |52:31 453 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |1:44:44
371.Caryn Brereton 43 F I 49 12:19 2:48 385 | 3:42 257 | 37:54 17.4 243 | 2:47 332 | 48:09 12:02 418 |1:44:51
372.Nicole Levine 37 F I 246 11:16 2:34 339 | 4:08 313 | 37:42 17.5 238 | 2:51 340 | 49:02 12:16 423 |1:44:59
373.Mollye Lange 44 F B 475 13:07 2:59 409 | 3:31 223 | 42:48 15.4 376 | 2:45 324 | 42:52 10:43 360 |1:45:03
374.Wyatt Achey 14 M I 3 13:09 2:59 410 | 7:30 432 | 47:02 14.0 421 | 3:06 363 | 34:52 8:43 199 |1:45:39
375.Alan Swift 49 M I 422 11:39 2:39 358 | 5:40 403 | 42:07 15.7 357 | 1:58 143 | 44:25 11:06 377 |1:45:49
376.Caterina Dimayorca 14 F I 116 11:48 2:41 369 | 2:49 113 | 49:19 13.4 434 | 3:23 385 | 38:42 9:40 296 |1:46:01
377.Laurel Wolfe 26 F I 459 8:16 1:53 121 | 3:28 216 | 41:37 15.9 348 | 2:21 240 | 50:28 12:37 429 |1:46:10
378.Chelsea Mckenna 21 F B 279 12:28 2:50 390 | 5:19 391 | 40:01 16.5 311 | 3:24 386 | 45:11 11:18 392 |1:46:23
379.Beverly Cream 56 F I 90 :00 :00 | :00 |1:29:28 7.4 452 | 2:59 351 | 46:04 11:31 399 |1:46:30
380.John Lavery 50 M B 237 8:09 1:51 116 | 6:21 424 | 41:48 15.8 352 | 2:47 331 | 47:39 11:55 412 |1:46:44
381.Patty Delson 48 F B 103 13:55 3:10 416 | 4:37 347 | 39:11 16.8 290 | 2:21 239 | 46:42 11:40 405 |1:46:46
382.Bill King 51 M I 226 12:32 2:51 394 | 3:40 246 | 41:26 15.9 343 | 3:24 387 | 45:45 11:26 396 |1:46:47
383.Stephen Santiago 21 M I 378 15:55 3:37 434 | 4:02 307 | 46:29 14.2 412 | 2:11 202 | 38:14 9:34 287 |1:46:51
384.Ryan Duffy 26 M I 126 14:50 3:22 427 | 6:08 418 | 44:57 14.7 397 | 2:38 305 | 38:19 9:35 289 |1:46:52
385.Albert Ricci 62 M I 358 10:16 2:20 297 | 5:38 402 | 40:27 16.3 319 | 3:59 421 | 46:41 11:40 404 |1:47:01
386.Maddy Everett 18 F 506 9:27 2:09 242 |13:18 448 | 43:51 15.1 389 | 2:48 334 | 37:48 9:27 276 |1:47:12
387.Laura Sudarsky 56 F I 416 11:42 2:40 363 | 5:19 393 | 46:56 14.1 418 | 2:25 258 | 41:14 10:18 335 |1:47:36
388.Richard Stewart 53 M B 410 15:28 3:31 432 | 5:32 398 | 38:21 17.2 257 | 4:24 427 | 43:54 10:58 372 |1:47:39
389.Josephine Gaeckle 29 F I 163 13:21 3:02 411 | 4:18 327 | 40:05 16.5 312 | 2:04 165 | 47:52 11:58 416 |1:47:40
390.Paige Frost 22 F B 159 9:29 2:09 244 | 6:08 417 | 41:39 15.8 349 | 3:40 405 | 46:50 11:42 407 |1:47:46
391.Carla Goldsmith 43 F I 173 13:28 3:04 412 | 4:05 311 | 45:56 14.4 408 | 3:14 370 | 41:08 10:17 331 |1:47:51
392.Shawn Trexler 30 M I 439 11:16 2:34 340 | 6:32 428 | 45:51 14.4 406 | 2:23 251 | 42:25 10:36 354 |1:48:27
393.Mat Suran 28 M I 419 10:15 2:20 294 | 3:22 197 | 49:00 13.5 432 | 2:42 314 | 43:27 10:52 366 |1:48:46
394.Ed Hahn 40 M I 185 12:42 2:53 399 | 6:20 422 | 43:36 15.1 386 | 4:57 436 | 41:27 10:22 339 |1:49:02
395.Dennis Roberts 59 M I 361 17:05 3:53 440 | 7:19 431 | 43:24 15.2 382 | 3:51 415 | 37:54 9:28 281 |1:49:33
396.Toni Flowers 43 F B 151 13:04 2:58 408 | 3:56 292 | 40:12 16.4 318 | 2:40 311 | 50:06 12:32 427 |1:49:58
397.Krista Parson 33 F I 334 10:54 2:29 334 | 3:56 293 | 40:32 16.3 320 | 3:05 362 | 51:41 12:55 437 |1:50:08
398.Erin Quinn 34 F I 348 10:50 2:28 327 | 3:39 242 | 39:54 16.5 310 | 3:25 389 | 52:20 13:05 439 |1:50:08
399.Deborah Phillips 59 F B 339 10:53 2:28 331 | 4:34 346 | 40:36 16.3 323 | 3:01 355 | 51:13 12:48 432 |1:50:17
400.Francesca Waddington 20 F B 451 10:50 2:28 328 | 4:01 304 | 46:54 14.1 416 | 3:06 364 | 45:26 11:22 395 |1:50:17
401.Patricia Baldt 61 F B 9 12:10 2:46 377 | 4:57 371 | 39:20 16.8 295 | 3:16 377 | 50:45 12:41 431 |1:50:28
402.Victoria Lobosco 24 F I 252 12:32 2:51 395 | 5:47 406 | 46:45 14.1 414 | 2:29 278 | 43:11 10:48 364 |1:50:44
403.Thomas Young 51 M I 463 13:51 3:09 415 | 4:27 339 | 45:04 14.6 398 | 2:28 272 | 45:04 11:16 390 |1:50:54
404.Maria Dimayorca 16 F I 117 10:47 2:27 323 | 3:48 276 | 49:04 13.5 433 | 3:41 408 | 43:59 11:00 373 |1:51:19
405.Leroy Kardon 62 M I 215 12:18 2:48 382 | 5:51 410 | 42:26 15.6 365 | 3:53 418 | 46:51 11:43 408 |1:51:19
406.Mary Harper 49 F I 192 14:10 3:13 422 | 3:44 266 | 42:35 15.5 370 | 4:25 428 | 46:30 11:38 402 |1:51:24
407.Sharon Bell 51 F I 17 12:35 2:52 396 | 6:07 416 | 41:26 15.9 344 | 5:17 440 | 46:15 11:34 401 |1:51:40
408.David Gaeckle 30 M I 161 10:31 2:23 312 | 5:08 379 | 42:09 15.7 359 | 9:58 451 | 44:25 11:06 378 |1:52:11
409.Amy Bouard 48 F 467 15:03 3:25 429 | 4:45 361 | 42:43 15.5 373 | 2:23 252 | 47:42 11:56 413 |1:52:36
410.Meredith Hughes 31 F I 207 28:32 6:29 451 | 3:25 206 | 40:50 16.2 330 | 2:15 213 | 37:43 9:26 273 |1:52:45
411.Megan Lawler 41 F I 241 12:17 2:47 380 | 4:06 312 | 44:44 14.8 395 | 2:27 267 | 49:16 12:19 424 |1:52:50
412.Gwendolyn Breen 27 F I 46 9:48 2:14 265 | 5:41 404 | 47:38 13.9 425 | 3:36 399 | 46:30 11:38 403 |1:53:13
413.Jason Klemm 36 M B 474 9:52 2:15 271 | 5:08 380 | 43:46 15.1 388 | 3:51 416 | 50:42 12:40 430 |1:53:19
414.Elissa Waldstein 53 F I 452 12:43 2:53 400 | 5:56 413 | 51:33 12.8 441 | 2:43 315 | 40:39 10:10 325 |1:53:34
415.Dawn Theroux 50 F I 434 14:50 3:22 426 | 5:51 408 | 37:33 17.6 235 | 5:25 441 | 49:58 12:30 426 |1:53:37
416.Tim Brady 38 M I 41 6:02 1:22 11 |33:14 451 | 38:48 17.0 270 | 2:10 191 | 33:38 8:24 158 |1:53:52
417.Kevin Crowley 51 M B 94 10:17 2:20 298 | 5:09 381 | 40:45 16.2 328 | 3:07 366 | 54:37 13:39 445 |1:53:55
418.Melissa Matyas 41 F I 269 8:51 2:01 187 | 4:43 357 | 46:57 14.1 419 | 2:46 329 | 51:18 12:50 433 |1:54:35
419.Not Registered 99 M 492 38:26 8:44 453 | 1:57 15 | 45:19 14.6 401 | 1:29 34 | 27:44 6:56 26 |1:54:55
420.Mia Loucks 32 F I 254 10:38 2:25 316 | 6:02 415 | 54:32 12.1 450 | 2:21 238 | 41:22 10:20 337 |1:54:55
421.Marilyn Mann 59 F I 263 14:20 3:15 423 |15:41 449 | 45:22 14.5 402 | 3:01 354 | 36:43 9:11 253 |1:55:07
422.Dawn Caven 52 F I 63 14:51 3:22 428 | 4:01 303 | 45:42 14.4 405 | 2:44 319 | 48:12 12:03 419 |1:55:30
423.Joseph Gaeckle 32 M I 162 10:27 2:22 310 | 5:10 384 | 42:07 15.7 358 |10:04 452 | 47:52 11:58 417 |1:55:40
424.Sean Dalton 25 M I 97 12:18 2:48 383 |12:49 447 | 47:23 13.9 422 | 4:39 430 | 38:38 9:40 293 |1:55:47
425.Tom Morris 69 M I 298 11:34 2:38 354 | 4:43 358 | 51:46 12.7 443 | 4:55 435 | 44:28 11:07 379 |1:57:26
426.Daniel Kirkland 54 M I 227 18:53 4:17 446 | 5:47 405 | 38:05 17.3 245 | 4:54 434 | 49:57 12:29 425 |1:57:36
427.Luanne Klemm 42 F B 473 15:18 3:29 431 | 6:28 427 | 43:19 15.2 380 | 4:52 433 | 47:43 11:56 415 |1:57:40
428.Kristin Timek 41 F B 480 15:43 3:34 433 | 6:01 414 | 43:23 15.2 381 | 4:50 432 | 47:43 11:56 414 |1:57:40
429.Tara Lawall 29 F I 239 19:03 4:20 447 | 4:39 352 | 47:34 13.9 424 | 2:48 335 | 43:48 10:57 370 |1:57:52
430.Thomas Critelli 24 M I 91 14:07 3:12 420 | 3:52 285 | 53:14 12.4 449 | 3:22 384 | 44:14 11:04 376 |1:58:49
431.Rebecca Bolten 16 F I 35 10:47 2:27 324 | 7:12 430 | 52:53 12.5 445 | 3:41 409 | 44:53 11:13 385 |1:59:26
432.Rachel Bolten 18 F I 34 10:27 2:22 311 | 7:33 433 | 52:55 12.5 446 | 3:36 397 | 44:55 11:14 386 |1:59:26
433.Savannah Bolten 15 F I 36 7:58 1:49 103 |10:03 443 | 52:55 12.5 447 | 3:36 398 | 44:55 11:14 387 |1:59:27
434.Meghan Hanson 15 F I 191 12:48 2:55 401 | 5:14 387 | 52:52 12.5 444 | 3:38 401 | 44:55 11:14 388 |1:59:27
435.Lorraine Breen 56 F I 47 11:51 2:42 370 | 5:52 411 | 51:23 12.8 439 | 3:40 406 | 47:07 11:47 410 |1:59:53
436.Denice D'adamo 54 F B 95 10:51 2:28 329 |10:14 444 | 49:44 13.3 435 | 2:59 352 | 47:01 11:45 409 |2:00:49
437.Fitzhugh Chandler 42 M B 65 11:57 2:43 373 | 4:53 367 | 48:49 13.5 431 | 6:40 449 | 48:37 12:09 422 |2:00:56
438.Arthur Lembo 56 M I 245 14:25 3:17 424 | 9:38 441 | 48:11 13.7 427 | 3:54 419 | 44:59 11:15 389 |2:01:07
439.Chris Howe 45 M B 204 12:20 2:48 387 | 5:09 382 | 43:26 15.2 384 | 3:00 353 | 57:17 14:19 448 |2:01:12
440.Doreen Addrizzo-harr 50 F I 5 16:14 3:41 437 | 3:15 177 | 44:54 14.7 396 | 3:14 372 | 54:58 13:44 446 |2:02:35
441.Thomas Chewey 59 M I 70 17:39 4:01 442 | 8:25 436 | 39:53 16.5 309 | 6:30 447 | 50:14 12:34 428 |2:02:41
442.Kayla Young 22 F I 462 11:44 2:40 365 | 5:48 407 | 48:40 13.6 429 | 3:19 380 | 53:23 13:21 442 |2:02:54
443.Karen Falkenstein 58 F I 136 12:19 2:48 386 | 6:10 419 | 47:46 13.8 426 | 4:22 426 | 52:58 13:14 441 |2:03:35
444.Katherine Hartman 49 F I 194 16:35 3:46 438 | 5:02 374 | 43:52 15.0 390 | 6:26 445 | 52:06 13:02 438 |2:04:01
445.James Bickel 42 M I 25 22:03 5:01 448 | 4:18 328 | 45:54 14.4 407 | 2:36 302 | 51:18 12:50 434 |2:06:09
446.Amita Mehta 41 F 488 25:12 5:44 449 | 6:14 421 | 48:19 13.7 428 | 6:27 446 | 44:37 11:09 381 |2:10:49
447.Andie Braithwaite 12 F B 42 15:55 3:37 435 | 8:13 435 | 51:45 12.8 442 | 2:35 300 | 52:51 13:13 440 |2:11:19
448.Cynthia Alisesky 43 F I 7 18:12 4:08 444 | 5:22 394 | 51:07 12.9 438 | 3:14 371 | 53:29 13:22 443 |2:11:24
449.Josh Caven 20 M I 64 7:59 1:49 108 |30:57 450 | 45:36 14.5 403 | 2:45 326 | 48:12 12:03 420 |2:15:29
450.David Kahn 72 M B 472 17:22 3:57 441 | 9:13 440 | 44:17 14.9 393 | 2:09 189 |1:05:11 16:18 450 |2:18:12
451.Chelsea Scullin 24 F I 395 17:54 4:04 443 |10:51 445 | 53:13 12.4 448 | 5:57 443 | 51:32 12:53 436 |2:19:27
452.Jacqueline Chiari 19 F I 72 11:23 2:35 346 | 6:35 429 | 50:21 13.1 436 | 7:42 450 |1:09:28 17:22 452 |2:25:29
453.Richard Breen Jr. 58 M I 48 12:56 2:56 404 | 9:41 442 | 55:30 11.9 451 | 6:33 448 |1:02:21 15:35 449 |2:27:01
454.Lynne Dasilva 57 F I 100 31:51 7:14 452 | 6:22 425 | 51:30 12.8 440 | 3:03 360 | 57:00 14:15 447 |2:29:46
455.Herbert Rosen 79 M I 369 25:26 5:47 450 | 9:10 439 | 50:32 13.1 437 | 4:38 429 |1:09:06 17:16 451 |2:38:52
****.STANLEY ELLENBERG 66 M 133 31:26 7:09 | :00 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.JOHN FITZGERALD 25 M 147 :00 :00 | :00 |1:06:40 9.9 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.CHARLES GLATZ 50 M 171 43:26 9:52 | :00 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.WILLIAM MUNDY 49 M 303 10:30 2:23 | :00 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.LAURA PAPPAS 32 F 331 9:22 2:08 | 4:38 | 35:24 18.6 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.THIMI PAPPAS 66 M 332 11:53 2:42 | 5:33 | 40:21 16.4 |14:38 | :00 :00 |
****.AMY TALLEY 47 F 426 9:09 2:05 | 3:13 | 50:40 13.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.SOPHIA TALLEY 12 F 428 8:12 1:52 | 3:14 | :00 0.0 | :00 | :00 :00 |
****.EMILY BICKEL 12 F 24 9:31 2:10 | 4:49 | 45:55 14.4 | 2:36 | :00 :00 |
****.ANN MARIE HANSON 47 F 188 :00 :00 | :00 |1:08:49 9.6 | 4:06 | :00 :00 |
****.MAKENA HANSON 14 F 190 :00 :00 | :00 |1:08:48 9.6 | 4:09 | :00 :00 |
****.SHANE MCKENZIE 19 M 283 :00 :00 | :00 | 31:41 20.8 | 1:28 | :00 :00 |
BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL TOP MALE OPEN FINISHERS PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX TEAM (#) TIME PENALTY 1.Ryan Reighn Haddon Township,NJ 34 M 1 477 58:24.30 2.David Gutstadt Philadelphia,PA 37 M 1 I 183 1:03:28.78 3.Leo Suniaga Brigantine,NJ 46 M 6 B 418 1:04:12.83 4.Martin Owens Selinsgrove,PA 44 M 2 I 324 1:04:58.84 5.Dan Troland Conshohocken,PA 36 M 1 I 440 1:05:18.91 6.Randy Frank Ocean City,NJ 37 M 1 I 156 1:05:48.51 7.Tim Pappas King Of Prussia,PA 32 M 1 I 333 1:05:58.65 8.John Bialous Medford,NJ 43 M 2 I 22 1:06:17.56 9.Mickey Cassu Berkeley Hts,NJ 43 M 2 I 61 1:06:49.12 10.Rob Helsabeck Absecon,NJ 43 M 2 I 198 1:07:29.14 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL TOP FEMALE OPEN FINISHERS PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX TEAM (#) TIME PENALTY 1.Heather Leiggi Bryn Mawr,PA 37 F 7 I 244 1:03:43.42 2.Renee Tomlin Ocean City,NJ 24 F 5 I 437 1:08:35.78 3.Dana Palumbo Marlton,NJ 30 F 3 I 329 1:11:54.27 4.Janine Hutkin New Hope,PA 47 F 7 I 208 1:12:39.21 5.Bridget Phillips Annapolis,MD 37 F 7 I 338 1:13:39.37 6.Janis Greim Allentown,PA 30 F 3 I 181 1:14:34.58 7.Gayle Mancuso New Paltz,NY 51 F 9 I 262 1:17:06.34 8.Jessica Sabedra Philadelphia,PA 30 F 3 I 374 1:17:07.73 9.Kristen Frank Malvern,PA 30 F 3 I 155 1:17:50.78 10.Colleen Campbell Margate,NJ 50 F 9 I 53 1:18:36.21 TOP MASTERS FINISHERS BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL TOP MALE MASTERS FINISHERS PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX TEAM (#) TIME PENALTY 1.Leo Suniaga Brigantine,NJ 46 M 6 B 418 1:04:12.83 2.Martin Owens Selinsgrove,PA 44 M 2 I 324 1:04:58.84 3.John Bialous Medford,NJ 43 M 2 I 22 1:06:17.56 4.Mickey Cassu Berkeley Hts,NJ 43 M 2 I 61 1:06:49.12 5.Rob Helsabeck Absecon,NJ 43 M 2 I 198 1:07:29.14 6.Patrick O'connell Avon,CT 44 M 2 I U 318 1:08:03.43 7.Joseph Ettorre Mickleton,NJ 43 M 2 I 134 1:09:02.77 8.Timothy Mcgee Malvern,PA 49 M 6 I 275 1:09:41.49 9.Dennis Smith Madison,NJ 50 M 6 I U 398 1:10:08.25 10.Tom Flournoy Port Republic,NJ 55 M 9 I U 149 1:10:26.16 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL TOP FEMALE MASTERS FINISHERS PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX TEAM (#) TIME PENALTY 1.Janine Hutkin New Hope,PA 47 F 7 I 208 1:12:39.21 2.Gayle Mancuso New Paltz,NY 51 F 9 I 262 1:17:06.34 3.Colleen Campbell Margate,NJ 50 F 9 I 53 1:18:36.21 4.Patricia Librizzi , 51 F 9 I 248 1:19:27.88 5.Barbara Tafuto Warwick,NY 45 F 7 I 424 1:21:56.04 6.Donna Maugeri Brant Beach,NJ 57 F 9 I 270 1:21:57.18 7.Mb Holmes Mays Landing,NJ 49 F 7 I 201 1:22:21.15 8.Cari Mccann Camden,DE 41 F 7 I 271 1:22:56.32 9.Catherine Restrepo Swarthmore,PA 47 F 7 I 354 1:23:06.43 10.Margaret Keena Eht,NJ 44 F 7 I 217 1:23:23.52
BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE 19 AND UNDER PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Will Flournoy Port Republic,NJ 19 M 13I 150 1:07:45.97 2.Michael Connelly Moorestown,NJ 19 M 39I 87 1:12:44.24 3.Christian Geer Jenkintown,PA 15 M 44I 167 1:13:23.15 4.Brandon Mckenzie Brigantine,NJ 16 M 51B 281 1:14:31.33 5.Matthew Zubrzycki Mount Laurel,NJ 16 M 64I 465 1:16:10.21 6.Will Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 17 M 106B 45 1:20:13.17 7.Kieran Dempsey Philadelphia,PA 16 M 114I 107 1:20:54.58 8.Ethan Kramer Margate,NJ 16 M 140I 232 1:23:07.79 9.Vincent Difilippo Westfield,NJ 15 M 150I 113 1:23:47.41 10.Thomas Reynolds Media,PA 17 M 162I 357 1:24:19.85 11.Owen Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 14 M 177B 44 1:25:18.38 12.Luke Howard Moorestown,NJ 18 M 179I 203 1:25:34.55 13.Danny Brown Haverstown,PA 15 M 184 468 1:25:57.64 14.Riley Dunbar Moorestown,NJ 17 M 190I 128 1:26:29.49 15.Christopher Rose , 13 M 192 504 1:26:32.79 16.Jack Crooks Brigantine,NJ 13 M 205B 92 1:27:07.61 17.Gabriel Arizin Brigantine,NJ 12 M 216B 466 1:27:49.11 18.Daniel Brown Brigantine,NJ 14 M 220B U 51 1:28:26.70 19.Daniel Fisher Cranbury,NJ 16 M 279 471 1:33:50.32 20.Matthew Crooks Brigantine,NJ 13 M 280B 93 1:33:51.30 21.Sean O'connor Scotch Plains,NJ 14 M 288I 321 1:35:07.69 22.Cole Murray Brigantine,NJ 11 M 298B 306 1:36:17.85 23.Kyle Hanson Kennett Sq.,PA 16 M 302I 189 1:36:25.28 24.Frank Durkin Whiting,NJ 15 M 305I 129 1:36:42.12 25.Brendan O'connor Scotch Plains,NJ 14 M 322I 319 1:38:04.82 26.Griffin Feeney Summit,NJ 13 M 330I 141 1:38:45.96 27.Patrick Murray Brigantine,NJ 12 M 340B 309 1:39:33.51 28.Rudy Diaz Brigantine,NJ 16 M 350B 111 1:40:35.12 29.Jake Greenberg Newtown,PA 15 M 370I 179 1:44:44.98 30.Wyatt Achey Bethlehem,PA 14 M 374I 3 1:45:39.86 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE 19 AND UNDER PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Natasha Koermer Arlington,VA 19 F 123I 229 1:21:45.50 2.Lily Everett Ocean City,NJ 14 F 186I 135 1:26:04.24 3.Angela Barney Rockville,MD 16 F 197I 15 1:26:44.68 4.Lauren Stinson Brigantine,NJ 16 F 222B 411 1:28:31.38 5.Hannah Feeney Summit,NJ 17 F 251I 142 1:30:53.76 6.Kathryn Restrepo Swarthmore,PA 17 F 274I 355 1:33:20.70 7.Margot Murray Brigantine,NJ 14 F 283B U 307 1:34:32.08 8.Kristin Smith Kennett Square,PA 17 F 310I 400 1:36:55.86 9.Marissa Murray Brigantine,NJ 17 F 339B U 308 1:39:24.55 10.Caterina Dimayorca Summit,NJ 14 F 376I 116 1:46:01.85 11.Maddy Everett , 18 F 386 506 1:47:12.54 12.Maria Dimayorca Summit,NJ 16 F 404I 117 1:51:19.04 13.Rebecca Bolten Avondale,PA 16 F 431I 35 1:59:26.69 14.Rachel Bolten Avondale,PA 18 F 432I 34 1:59:26.79 15.Savannah Bolten Grove City,OH 15 F 433I 36 1:59:27.08 16.Meghan Hanson Kennett Sq.,PA 15 F 434I 191 1:59:27.11 17.Andie Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 12 F 447B 42 2:11:19.86 18.Jacqueline Chiari Cranford,NJ 19 F 452I 72 2:25:29.52 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 20 TO 24 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Tyler Caracausa Avalon,PA 24 M 17I 58 1:08:52.48 2.Jeffrey Hahn Medford Lakes,NJ 24 M 19I 186 1:09:13.32 3.Johndavid Sabedra Springfield,PA 22 M 25I 375 1:10:15.34 4.Alec Truitt New York,NY 24 M 68I 441 1:16:40.64 5.Matthew Berry Catonsville,MD 24 M 139I 21 1:23:07.28 6.Doug Smith Kennett Square,PA 23 M 144I U 399 1:23:24.77 7.Scott Phillips Budd Lake,NJ 23 M 151I 341 1:23:52.19 8.Lloyd Achey Bethlehem,PA 20 M 187I 1 1:26:14.99 9.David Rosenfeld Philadelphia,PA 20 M 210I 371 1:27:22.65 10.Kiel Hiller Galloway,NJ 23 M 211I 199 1:27:33.78 11.Devin Chiari Cranford,NJ 22 M 225I 71 1:28:43.16 12.Louis Lupinacci Brigantine,NJ 22 M 250B 256 1:30:51.19 13.Ryan Dempsey Philadelphia,PA 20 M 304I 108 1:36:32.14 14.Robert Stasiak Voorhees,NJ 23 M 315I 407 1:37:24.42 15.Brett Kader Linwood,NJ 23 M 351I 214 1:40:56.74 16.Stephen Santiago Absecon,NJ 21 M 383I 378 1:46:51.13 17.Thomas Critelli Holmdel,NJ 24 M 430I 91 1:58:49.42 18.Josh Caven Yardley,PA 20 M 449I 64 2:15:29.99 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 20 TO 24 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Renee Tomlin Ocean City,NJ 24 F 16I 437 1:08:35.78 2.Meg Miller Westmont,NJ 20 F 104I 289 1:19:59.79 3.Shannon Chester Philadelphia,PA 24 F 118I 67 1:21:05.84 4.Laura Green Philadelphia,PA 24 F 145I 177 1:23:25.39 5.Daniela Cassara Brigantine,NJ 21 F 175B 60 1:25:12.58 6.Lauren Dickson Galloway,NJ 24 F 191I 112 1:26:32.61 7.Kelly Dougherty Devon,PA 24 F 209I 121 1:27:22.33 8.Andrea Giuliano Warwick Ny,NY 20 F 235I 170 1:29:52.64 9.Martha Theodoris Haddonfield,NJ 20 F 271I 433 1:32:57.89 10.Cara Rosenfeld Philadelphia,PA 24 F 272I 370 1:33:09.27 11.Molly Dunbar Moorestown,NJ 21 F 282I 127 1:34:28.16 12.Rachel Innella Wayne,PA 24 F 293I 210 1:35:36.06 13.Megan Schluckebier Willow Grove,PA 23 F 311I 386 1:36:56.81 14.Christina Vaganos Brigantine,NJ 24 F 317B 443 1:37:28.21 15.Chelsea Mckenna Brigantine,NJ 21 F 378B 279 1:46:23.42 16.Paige Frost Brigantine,NJ 22 F 390B 159 1:47:46.68 17.Francesca Waddington Brigantine,NJ 20 F 400B 451 1:50:17.46 18.Victoria Lobosco New York,NY 24 F 402I 252 1:50:44.70 19.Kayla Young Allentown,PA 22 F 442I 462 2:02:54.26 20.Chelsea Scullin Hoboken,NJ 24 F 451I 395 2:19:27.49 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 25 TO 29 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Ryan Lichtner Ambler,PA 25 M 22I 249 1:09:32.72 2.James L Nasto Cherry Hill,NJ 27 M 30I 311 1:11:06.38 3.Evan Dorris Berwyn,PA 25 M 34I 120 1:11:50.70 4.Ryan Nalls New York,NY 25 M 59I 310 1:15:26.85 5.Anthony Lupinacci Brigantine,NJ 28 M 99B 255 1:19:32.46 6.Mac Thayer Princeton,NJ 28 M 101I 432 1:19:47.47 7.Matthew Mcgarity Philadelphia,PA 27 M 122I 274 1:21:44.97 8.Thomas De Vietro Clifton Heights,PA 28 M 136 496 1:22:57.87 9.Kayvon Tabatabai Doylestown,PA 27 M 141I 423 1:23:13.62 10.Kyle Mckendrick Herndon,VA 26 M 164I 278 1:24:32.62 11.Brian Bogdanoff Philadelphia,PA 29 M 180I 28 1:25:46.05 12.Ed Miller Townsend,DE 28 M 221I 288 1:28:30.63 13.Robert Dimaio Cinnaminson,NJ 25 M 231I 115 1:29:29.86 14.Brian Miles Baltimore,MD 28 M 242I 287 1:30:17.78 15.Andrew Schmitt Baltimore,MD 28 M 259I 387 1:31:45.54 16.Chris Ball Browns Mills,NJ 26 M 269I 13 1:32:50.61 17.Matthew Robertson Willow Grove,PA 28 M 348I U 362 1:40:13.84 18.James Cannon , 26 M 352 485 1:40:58.16 19.Theodore Levy Philadelphia,PA 27 M 362I 247 1:42:54.01 20.Ryan Duffy Danville,VA 26 M 384I 126 1:46:52.92 21.Mat Suran Somers Point,NJ 28 M 393I 419 1:48:46.25 22.Sean Dalton Drexel Hill,PA 25 M 424I 97 1:55:47.46 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 25 TO 29 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Jennifer Soss Hamilton,NJ 28 F 107I U 404 1:20:18.24 2.Laura Gart Philadelphia,PA 27 F 119I 166 1:21:20.38 3.Jenn Masse Aston,PA 26 F 156I 266 1:24:06.20 4.Allison Bogdanoff Philadelphia,PA 26 F 182I 27 1:25:55.76 5.Breanne Scullin Holland,PA 26 F 201I 394 1:26:51.57 6.Tracy Lawall Brooklyn,NY 26 F 278I 240 1:33:35.78 7.Alyssa Sunday Levittow,PA 25 F 284I 417 1:34:39.42 8.Jennifer Famous Norristown,PA 26 F 296I 138 1:36:01.91 9.Lindsey Mills Berwyn,PA 28 F 313I 291 1:37:00.70 10.Kathryn Schmitt Baltimore,MD 26 F 318I 390 1:37:38.05 11.Lindsey Specht Philadelphia,PA 26 F 328I 405 1:38:37.16 12.Jessica Snyder Pennsauken,NJ 28 F 332I 402 1:38:55.96 13.Megan Craig New York,NY 27 F 349I 89 1:40:22.16 14.Laurel Wolfe Townsend,DE 26 F 377I 459 1:46:10.63 15.Josephine Gaeckle Chesterbrook,PA 29 F 389I 163 1:47:40.78 16.Gwendolyn Breen Philadelphia,PA 27 F 412I 46 1:53:13.61 17.Tara Lawall Brooklyn,NY 29 F 429I 239 1:57:52.79 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 30 TO 34 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Ryan Reighn Haddon Township,NJ 34 M 1 477 58:24.30 2.Tim Pappas King Of Prussia,PA 32 M 8I 333 1:05:58.65 3.Nathan Schadler Schwenksville,PA 34 M 14I 383 1:08:00.92 4.Frank Mancuso Philadelphia,PA 31 M 21I 261 1:09:29.94 5.Mike Rowe Downingtown,PA 31 M 31I 373 1:11:09.88 6.Gary Cop Wenonah,NJ 32 M 48I 88 1:14:16.45 7.Richard Palmer Newtown,PA 30 M 77I 328 1:17:57.98 8.Dan Strang Westville,NJ 30 M 83I 414 1:18:15.16 9.Daniel Quon Cherry Hill,NJ 31 M 85I 350 1:18:19.71 10.Anthony Rogers Chalfont,PA 33 M 91I 487 1:18:38.49 11.Andrzej Kozlowski King Of Prussia,PA 34 M 163I 231 1:24:29.76 12.Matt Thomas Philadelphia,PA 31 M 174I 435 1:25:12.12 13.Luis Alfaro Elizabeth,NJ 31 M 199I 6 1:26:46.96 14.Kris Macready Grand Prairie,TX 34 M 230I 257 1:29:09.95 15.Jeremy Straight Brooklyn,NY 30 M 243I 413 1:30:22.55 16.Christian Sweeney Holland,PA 34 M 258I 420 1:31:43.13 17.Michael Belsole West New York,NJ 31 M 326I 18 1:38:12.35 18.Shawn Trexler Wyomissing,PA 30 M 392I 439 1:48:27.37 19.David Gaeckle Galloway,NJ 30 M 408I 161 1:52:11.04 20.Joseph Gaeckle Chesterbrook,PA 32 M 423I 162 1:55:40.74 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 30 TO 34 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Dana Palumbo Marlton,NJ 30 F 35I 329 1:11:54.27 2.Janis Greim Allentown,PA 30 F 52I 181 1:14:34.58 3.Jessica Sabedra Philadelphia,PA 30 F 70I 374 1:17:07.73 4.Kristen Frank Malvern,PA 30 F 75I 155 1:17:50.78 5.Kimberly Rogers Chalfont,PA 33 F 95I 364 1:19:14.60 6.Stefanie Bachman Pottstown,PA 31 F 96I 8 1:19:22.54 7.Denise Ricci Bensalem,PA 33 F 109I 359 1:20:33.32 8.Collette Mancuso Brigantine,NJ 34 F 132B 260 1:22:43.16 9.Danielle Lindner Highland,NY 30 F 166I 250 1:24:35.27 10.Kathleen Dohn Haddon Heights,NJ 31 F 224I 118 1:28:38.02 11.Sandra Massi Delran,NJ 33 F 277I 267 1:33:23.72 12.Meghan Rogers Philadelphia,PA 32 F 285I 365 1:34:39.58 13.Kristen Kemp Lambertville,NJ 32 F 289I 221 1:35:14.71 14.Christina Pelosi Egg Harbor Twp,NJ 34 F 308I 336 1:36:49.67 15.Colleen Bowman Philadelphia,PA 31 F 325I 38 1:38:09.94 16.Celia Ellenberg Elkins Park,PA 31 F 360I 132 1:42:21.85 17.Krista Parson Philadelphia,PA 33 F 397I 334 1:50:08.17 18.Erin Quinn Philadelpha,PA 34 F 398I U 348 1:50:08.25 19.Meredith Hughes Philadelphia,PA 31 F 410I 207 1:52:45.57 20.Mia Loucks Cherry Hill,NJ 32 F 420I 254 1:54:55.78 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 35 TO 39 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.David Gutstadt Philadelphia,PA 37 M 2I 183 1:03:28.78 2.Dan Troland Conshohocken,PA 36 M 6I 440 1:05:18.91 3.Randy Frank Ocean City,NJ 37 M 7I 156 1:05:48.51 4.Sean Daley Brigantine,NJ 36 M 12B 96 1:07:39.06 5.Dan Fulk Urbana,MD 39 M 20I 160 1:09:28.25 6.Eric Tucker Brigantine,NJ 39 M 28B 442 1:10:28.85 7.Phil Bonelli Phoenixville,PA 38 M 29I 37 1:10:35.44 8.Adam Joseph Philadelphia,PA 35 M 41 494 1:13:07.35 9.Bradley Schmitt Kalamazoo,MI 35 M 50I 388 1:14:27.52 10.Ryan Sherman Wynnewood,PA 38 M 55 490 1:15:02.20 11.Scott Reedell Feasterville,PA 37 M 63I 352 1:15:58.11 12.Brian Mulford Brigantine,NJ 39 M 72B 300 1:17:27.27 13.Matt Petroski Delran,NJ 37 M 73I 337 1:17:29.00 14.Kyle Phillips Annapolis,MD 37 M 81I 340 1:18:06.63 15.Raymond Maguire Sewickley,PA 37 M 89I 259 1:18:32.56 16.Erik Mendelsohn Margate,NJ 35 M 97I 285 1:19:25.44 17.William Vernay Morgantown,PA 35 M 105I 449 1:20:07.65 18.Kevin Quinn Audubon,NJ 38 M 116I 349 1:20:57.32 19.Robert Deegan Westfield,NJ 36 M 121I 101 1:21:33.91 20.Bryan Pukenas Haddonfield,NJ 37 M 125I 347 1:21:54.39 21.Dean Fischer Washington,DC 37 M 131I 145 1:22:43.14 22.Lawrence Pockers Wynnewood,PA 39 M 158 497 1:24:08.92 23.John Mueller Cherry Hill,NJ 38 M 160I 299 1:24:11.46 24.Orin Strauchler New Paltz,NY 38 M 171I 415 1:25:01.82 25.Charles Warner Huntingdon Vall,PA 39 M 172I 453 1:25:04.40 26.Jeff Lancaster Galloway,NJ 37 M 178 482 1:25:27.56 27.John Druding Tabernacle,NJ 37 M 214I 123 1:27:48.81 28.Jeffrey Newdeck Plymouth Meetin,PA 36 M 232I 314 1:29:46.12 29.Jeff Moore North Wales,PA 38 M 236I 295 1:29:57.63 30.Christopher Tate Brigantine,NJ 37 M 335B 479 1:39:05.15 31.Jason Klemm Brigantine,NJ 36 M 413B 474 1:53:19.40 32.Tim Brady Arnold,MD 38 M 416I 41 1:53:52.89 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 35 TO 39 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Heather Leiggi Bryn Mawr,PA 37 F 3I 244 1:03:43.42 2.Bridget Phillips Annapolis,MD 37 F 45I 338 1:13:39.37 3.Alison Olver Haddonfield,NJ 39 F 115I 323 1:20:55.53 4.Lauren Robbins Brigantine,NJ 35 F 155B 360 1:24:04.48 5.Caroline Galone New York,NY 38 F 157I 165 1:24:08.42 6.Megan Reedell Feasterville,PA 35 F 161I 351 1:24:19.34 7.Eileen Kelly Brigantine,NJ 35 F 168B 219 1:24:48.95 8.Michele Marut Lumberton,NJ 38 F 200I 265 1:26:48.38 9.Jill Tate Brigantine,NJ 37 F 208B 478 1:27:22.11 10.Ellen Brady Arnold,MD 37 F 234I 40 1:29:52.47 11.Diane Taylor Wallingford,PA 38 F 245I 429 1:30:31.65 12.Jennifer Grippi Bensalem,PA 37 F 275I 182 1:33:22.38 13.Larissa Druding Tabernacle,NJ 36 F 276I 124 1:33:22.44 14.Sarah Flook Philadelphia,PA 38 F 307I 148 1:36:45.62 15.Jaime Schmitt Kalamazoo,MI 36 F 327I 389 1:38:13.98 16.Nicole Levine Sellersville,PA 37 F 372I 246 1:44:59.58 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 40 TO 44 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Martin Owens Selinsgrove,PA 44 M 5I 324 1:04:58.84 2.John Bialous Medford,NJ 43 M 9I 22 1:06:17.56 3.Mickey Cassu Berkeley Hts,NJ 43 M 10I 61 1:06:49.12 4.Rob Helsabeck Absecon,NJ 43 M 11I 198 1:07:29.14 5.Patrick O'connell Avon,CT 44 M 15I U 318 1:08:03.43 6.Joseph Ettorre Mickleton,NJ 43 M 18I 134 1:09:02.77 7.Eric Pudimott Union City,NJ 43 M 32I 346 1:11:25.80 8.Richard Fanelli Wayne,PA 42 M 33I 139 1:11:38.68 9.Brent Voynar Royersford,PA 42 M 36I 450 1:12:13.45 10.James Mccann Camden,DE 40 M 40I 273 1:12:52.05 11.Andrew Hudson Bethlehem,PA 43 M 43I 206 1:13:12.45 12.Eric Schreiner Brigantine,NJ 43 M 46B 392 1:13:49.69 13.Matt Sabo Mt. Laurel,NJ 44 M 53I 376 1:14:48.88 14.Karl Kraft Philadelphia,PA 41 M 54 495 1:14:51.57 15.John Addrizzo Philadelphia,PA 40 M 56I 4 1:15:07.06 16.Chris Yengo Hershey,PA 44 M 57I 460 1:15:19.67 17.Tom Stoudt Fort Washington,PA 42 M 60I 412 1:15:35.81 18.Christopher Hoffman Voorhees,NJ 42 M 65I 200 1:16:30.70 19.Mel Chettum Brigantine,NJ 42 M 66B U 68 1:16:32.02 20.Kevin Van Hise Sterling,VA 44 M 67 483 1:16:39.41 21.Rich Talley Newark,DE 44 M 79I 427 1:17:59.53 22.Brian Shuster , 40 M 80 507 1:18:05.32 23.Kent Goldsmith Wyckoff,NJ 43 M 82I 174 1:18:06.84 24.Jamie Darragh Phoenixville,PA 43 M 87I 98 1:18:24.31 25.Todd Fisher Deptford,NJ 42 M 92I 146 1:18:47.33 26.Jason Pollock Hammonton,NJ 42 M 103I 344 1:19:54.37 27.Jason Taylor Wallingford,PA 40 M 108I U 431 1:20:32.21 28.Attila Matyas Westmont,NJ 44 M 110I 268 1:20:37.48 29.Travis Lamb West Chester,PA 42 M 112I 236 1:20:49.99 30.Dominic Mesoraca Philadelphia,PA 42 M 117I 286 1:21:05.16 31.Dave Bolten Grove City,OH 41 M 124I 30 1:21:45.57 32.Scott Kreter Bethesda,MD 43 M 130I 233 1:22:41.85 33.John Mclaughlin Avon,CT 42 M 137I 284 1:23:02.31 34.Chris Ciarrocchi Brigantine,NJ 41 M 153B 79 1:24:01.81 35.Jason Hook Mount Holly,NJ 41 M 154I 202 1:24:02.38 36.Edward O'connor Scotch Plains,NJ 44 M 167I 320 1:24:40.92 37.Rob Tiberi Bala Cynwyd,PA 44 M 169I 436 1:24:49.75 38.Kevin Vanic West Chester,PA 40 M 202I 446 1:26:54.91 39.Michael Lisansky Bryn Mawr,PA 44 M 206I 251 1:27:15.11 40.Jason Snyderman Blue Bell,PA 40 M 217I U 403 1:28:00.58 41.Jeffrey Wiseman Short Hills,NJ 42 M 223I 458 1:28:31.73 42.Stuart Brereton Maple Glen,PA 42 M 239I 50 1:30:12.49 43.Graham Greenwood Chatham,NJ 43 M 241I 180 1:30:13.18 44.Thomas Nelson Shrewsbury,NJ 44 M 244I 313 1:30:25.27 45.Ted Lawler Maple Glen,PA 43 M 266I 242 1:32:32.79 46.Leo Shearn Ardmore,PA 43 M 268I 397 1:32:41.16 47.Chris Bickel Livingston,NJ 44 M 281I 23 1:34:18.52 48.Erin Mccann Summit,NJ 40 M 287I 272 1:34:56.73 49.Michael Klaschka Summit,NJ 44 M 309I 228 1:36:50.01 50.Brian Fennell Lumberton,NJ 43 M 334I 144 1:39:03.46 51.Daniel Freschi Brick,NJ 42 M 338I 157 1:39:20.92 52.Brian Maroney Moorestown,NJ 43 M 342I 264 1:39:38.33 53.Michael Kelly Phoenixville,PA 41 M 364I 220 1:43:52.19 54.Jamie Iannone Summit,NJ 40 M 369I 209 1:44:35.04 55.Ed Hahn Phoenixville,PA 40 M 394I 185 1:49:02.47 56.Fitzhugh Chandler Brigantine,NJ 42 M 437B 65 2:00:56.07 57.James Bickel Columbia,MD 42 M 445I 25 2:06:09.54 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 40 TO 44 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Cari Mccann Camden,DE 41 F 135I 271 1:22:56.32 2.Margaret Keena Eht,NJ 44 F 142I 217 1:23:23.52 3.Carrie Mulford Brigantine,NJ 43 F 196B 301 1:26:44.32 4.Jeanne Seymour Egg Harbor Town,NJ 41 F 213I 396 1:27:43.70 5.Kathleen Rohm Medford,NJ 44 F 252I 366 1:30:56.56 6.Keely Lepera Murray , 43 F 265 486 1:32:32.20 7.Alison Galik Malvern,PA 42 F 297I 164 1:36:08.65 8.Jennifer Flynn Marlton,NJ 41 F 306I 152 1:36:43.52 9.Stephanie Carpenter Maple Glen,PA 40 F 316I 59 1:37:27.17 10.Maria Bolten Grove City,OH 41 F 321I 32 1:38:00.00 11.Michele Mc Gettigan Linwood,NJ 43 F 331 476 1:38:48.99 12.Jean Hacherl Ambler,PA 42 F 343I 184 1:39:39.26 13.Kelly Kent Cedar Park,TX 43 F 344I 223 1:39:41.16 14.Jennifer Keats Brigantine,NJ 44 F 346B 216 1:39:51.06 15.Kristin Page Bryn Mawr,PA 43 F 355I 325 1:41:27.96 16.Sandy Cannon Franklinville,NJ 43 F 356I 56 1:41:59.35 17.Caryn Brereton Maple Glen,PA 43 F 371I 49 1:44:51.59 18.Mollye Lange Brigantine,NJ 44 F 373B 475 1:45:03.84 19.Carla Goldsmith Wyckoff,NJ 43 F 391I 173 1:47:51.05 20.Toni Flowers Brigantine,NJ 43 F 396B 151 1:49:58.65 21.Megan Lawler Maple Glen,PA 41 F 411I 241 1:52:50.88 22.Melissa Matyas Westmont,NJ 41 F 418I 269 1:54:35.49 23.Luanne Klemm Brigantine,NJ 42 F 427B 473 1:57:40.40 24.Kristin Timek Brigantine,NJ 41 F 428B 480 1:57:40.48 25.Amita Mehta Lambertville,NJ 41 F 446 488 2:10:49.59 26.Cynthia Alisesky Maple Glen,PA 43 F 448I 7 2:11:24.84 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 45 TO 49 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Leo Suniaga Brigantine,NJ 46 M 4B 418 1:04:12.83 2.Timothy Mcgee Malvern,PA 49 M 23I 275 1:09:41.49 3.Ross Felice New Hope,PA 48 M 37I 143 1:12:20.51 4.Dave Chevoor North Wales,PA 45 M 47I 69 1:14:11.62 5.Timothy Yocom Phoenixville,PA 46 M 62I 461 1:15:51.40 6.Steven Berkowitz Cherry Hill,NJ 48 M 76I 20 1:17:51.94 7.Tom Darragh Ocean City,NJ 46 M 88I 99 1:18:25.78 8.Dean Capone State College,PA 49 M 93I 57 1:18:53.18 9.Tom Kent Cedar Park,TX 45 M 100I 225 1:19:47.46 10.Rob Schimek Newtown,PA 48 M 102I 385 1:19:48.58 11.David Hassman Cherry Hill,NJ 48 M 113I 195 1:20:50.91 12.Paul Mckenzie Brigantine,NJ 47 M 120B 282 1:21:31.84 13.Rob Baldwin Ridgefield,CT 49 M 133I 11 1:22:52.48 14.Rick Deolivera Philadelphia,PA 48 M 143I 109 1:23:23.67 15.Michael Bolten Avondale,PA 46 M 152I 33 1:23:53.42 16.Charles Monahan Elkins Park,PA 49 M 159I 293 1:24:10.68 17.David O'brien New York,NY 48 M 170I 317 1:24:50.55 18.Scott Rote Brigantine,NJ 48 M 173B 372 1:25:08.33 19.John Rosania Medford,NJ 46 M 189I 368 1:26:28.21 20.Richard Ciuba Columbus,NJ 47 M 193I 81 1:26:33.12 21.Peter Schaffer Weston,CT 48 M 194I 384 1:26:38.61 22.Paul Eichman Hershey,PA 48 M 203I 130 1:26:56.71 23.Michael Van Horn Sewell,NJ 46 M 207I 445 1:27:16.17 24.Kurt Wiest Sellersville,PA 48 M 215I 457 1:27:48.82 25.Dave Demarco Brigantine,NJ 46 M 218B 105 1:28:17.78 26.Seymour Josephson Robbisnville,NJ 48 M 227 502 1:28:47.35 27.John Zohlman Iii Moorestown,NJ 48 M 228I 464 1:28:47.37 28.Martin Paulinec Butzville,NJ 48 M 229 489 1:28:58.96 29.Larry Boyer South Orange,NJ 49 M 233 501 1:29:46.87 30.David Freschi Verona,NJ 47 M 248I 158 1:30:38.97 31.Ari Ohama Cherry Hill,NJ 48 M 253 499 1:31:03.10 32.Robert Stein Newtown,PA 46 M 254I 408 1:31:11.22 33.Steve Cordasco Brigantine,NJ 47 M 257B 469 1:31:41.70 34.Timothy Fradeneck Center Valley,PA 49 M 286I 154 1:34:40.12 35.Conor Mullett Madison,NJ 46 M 290I 302 1:35:17.30 36.Kevin Mcgowan Downingtown,PA 46 M 292I 277 1:35:28.82 37.Michael O'kane Glenolden,PA 46 M 300I 322 1:36:23.83 38.Jeff Everett , 49 M 301 505 1:36:24.28 39.Steven Billig Cherry Hill,NJ 48 M 319I 26 1:37:49.29 40.David Romisher Cherry Hill,NJ 48 M 320I 367 1:37:49.32 41.Robert Chiari Cranford,NJ 48 M 337I 73 1:39:16.50 42.Geoffrey Greenberg Newtown,PA 45 M 354I 178 1:41:11.45 43.Brian Murray Brigantine,NJ 47 M 357B 305 1:42:06.31 44.John Mckenna Brigantine,NJ 49 M 365B 280 1:44:00.42 45.Alan Swift Weston,FL 49 M 375I 422 1:45:49.25 46.Chris Howe Brigantine,NJ 45 M 439B 204 2:01:12.95 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 45 TO 49 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Janine Hutkin New Hope,PA 47 F 38I 208 1:12:39.21 2.Barbara Tafuto Warwick,NY 45 F 126I 424 1:21:56.04 3.Mb Holmes Mays Landing,NJ 49 F 128I 201 1:22:21.15 4.Catherine Restrepo Swarthmore,PA 47 F 138I 354 1:23:06.43 5.Jane Bergan West Chester,PA 48 F 148I 19 1:23:38.35 6.Maureen Bald Baldwin Brigantine,NJ 45 F 149B 10 1:23:44.19 7.Suzanne Scelza Jobstown,NJ 49 F 238I 382 1:30:09.63 8.Lisa Bolten Avondale,PA 46 F 260I 31 1:32:06.63 9.Jacqueline Johnson Hillsdale,NJ 49 F 263I 212 1:32:27.76 10.Vicki West Huntingdon Vall,PA 45 F 264I 454 1:32:28.81 11.Sophia Nekoranik Brigantine,NJ 49 F 291B 312 1:35:19.18 12.Patricia Noonan Moorestown,NJ 49 F 294I 315 1:35:53.26 13.Christine Stelmach Westfield,NJ 46 F 299I 409 1:36:20.60 14.Lisa Coates Brigantine,NJ 48 F 341B 84 1:39:34.36 15.Beth Cipollini Brigantine,NJ 49 F 347B 80 1:39:55.78 16.Patty Delson Brigantine,NJ 48 F 381B 103 1:46:46.66 17.Mary Harper Egg Harbor Twp,NJ 49 F 406I 192 1:51:24.32 18.Amy Bouard Shelton,CT 48 F 409 467 1:52:36.62 19.Katherine Hartman Moorestown,NJ 49 F 444I 194 2:04:01.20 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 50 TO 54 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Dennis Smith Madison,NJ 50 M 24I U 398 1:10:08.25 2.Steve Kent Richboro,PA 50 M 27I 224 1:10:26.78 3.Morgan Miller Millington,NJ 50 M 42I 290 1:13:08.69 4.Simon Varley Glen Mills,PA 53 M 49I 447 1:14:22.05 5.Seth Josephson West Windsor,NJ 53 M 58I 213 1:15:24.00 6.Frank La Sala Franklion Lakes,NJ 50 M 61I 235 1:15:49.76 7.Patrick Pasquariello Philadelphia,PA 54 M 74I 335 1:17:50.39 8.Bill Green Boca Raton,FL 54 M 78I 176 1:17:58.12 9.Vince Castaldo Jacobstown,NJ 52 M 84I 62 1:18:17.74 10.Keith Vaughn Clementon,NJ 50 M 86I 448 1:18:22.22 11.John Torress Galloway,NJ 51 M 147I 438 1:23:34.98 12.Michael Sautner Branchburg,NJ 50 M 181I 379 1:25:55.35 13.Jose Moreno Brigantine,NJ 52 M 183B 297 1:25:55.99 14.William Baldwin Brigantine,NJ 51 M 188B 12 1:26:21.14 15.Stephen Barney Rockville,MD 50 M 195I 16 1:26:41.42 16.Anthony Giacobetti Marlton,NJ 50 M 226I 168 1:28:43.73 17.John Reynolds Media,PA 51 M 237I 356 1:30:07.02 18.Bernard Feeney Summit,NJ 50 M 246I 140 1:30:34.07 19.Robert Digregorio Woodstown,NJ 54 M 255I 114 1:31:16.16 20.Douglas Scartelli Bethlehem,PA 52 M 267I 380 1:32:35.30 21.Wayne Achey Bethlehem,PA 52 M 273I 2 1:33:20.52 22.Jared Talarico Sicklerville,NJ 54 M 312I 425 1:37:00.15 23.Tim Montag Reading,PA 54 M 324I 294 1:38:09.52 24.Brad Magill Malvern,PA 53 M 345I 258 1:39:45.19 25.Hugh Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 52 M 361B 43 1:42:51.36 26.John Lavery Brigantine,NJ 50 M 380B 237 1:46:44.38 27.Bill King Newtown,PA 51 M 382I 226 1:46:47.59 28.Richard Stewart Brigantine,NJ 53 M 388B 410 1:47:39.79 29.Thomas Young Allentown,PA 51 M 403I 463 1:50:54.54 30.Kevin Crowley Brigantine,NJ 51 M 417B 94 1:53:55.39 31.Daniel Kirkland Churchville,MD 54 M 426I 227 1:57:36.79 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 50 TO 54 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Gayle Mancuso New Paltz,NY 51 F 69I 262 1:17:06.34 2.Colleen Campbell Margate,NJ 50 F 90I 53 1:18:36.21 3.Patricia Librizzi , 51 F 98I 248 1:19:27.88 4.Susan Kent Scartelli Bethlehem,PA 54 F 185I 381 1:26:00.18 5.Hannah Christopher Kennett Square,PA 50 F 247I 75 1:30:38.23 6.Carole Cohen Ventnor City,NJ 51 F 261I 86 1:32:10.94 7.Sharon Bell Newtown,PA 51 F 407I 17 1:51:40.65 8.Elissa Waldstein Rydal,PA 53 F 414I 452 1:53:34.59 9.Dawn Theroux Churchville,MD 50 F 415I 434 1:53:37.02 10.Dawn Caven Yardley,PA 52 F 422I 63 1:55:30.22 11.Denice D'adamo Brigantine,NJ 54 F 436B 95 2:00:49.34 12.Doreen Addrizzo-harr New York,NY 50 F 440I 5 2:02:35.10 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 55 TO 59 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Tom Flournoy Port Republic,NJ 55 M 26I U 149 1:10:26.16 2.Ed Forst Jenkintown,PA 59 M 94I 153 1:19:12.11 3.James Hanrahan Madison,NJ 56 M 111I 187 1:20:45.43 4.Jim Dralle Ventnor,NJ 56 M 129I 122 1:22:35.01 5.Ed Pistilli Brigantine,NJ 58 M 134B 342 1:22:56.04 6.Sal Palermo Mays Landiing,NJ 55 M 146I 327 1:23:32.05 7.Donald Heilman East Brunswick,NJ 59 M 176I 197 1:25:16.60 8.Tim Reese Mays Landing,NJ 55 M 198I 353 1:26:45.45 9.Tom Clancy Lower Gwynedd,PA 56 M 219I 82 1:28:18.79 10.Kenneth Lawall Newtown,PA 56 M 249I 238 1:30:47.40 11.Allen Cohen Broomall,PA 59 M 262I 85 1:32:27.02 12.Howard Hassman Brigantine,NJ 56 M 270B 196 1:32:56.23 13.Bob Scullin Philadelphia,PA 58 M 295I 393 1:35:56.37 14.Steven Falkenstein Cherry Hill,NJ 59 M 303I 137 1:36:29.79 15.Edward Gerhards Margate,NJ 56 M 314 498 1:37:07.69 16.Tom Gilligan Cranford,NJ 55 M 323I 169 1:38:07.79 17.Raymond Kent Medford,NJ 56 M 333 481 1:38:57.53 18.Jack Taylor Huntingdon Vall,PA 58 M 336I U 430 1:39:14.60 19.Rick Bohner Malvern,PA 59 M 359I 29 1:42:12.76 20.John Potts Phila.,PA 56 M 367I 345 1:44:15.25 21.John Miller Brigantine,NJ 56 M 368B 484 1:44:28.37 22.Dennis Roberts Havertown,PA 59 M 395I 361 1:49:33.19 23.Arthur Lembo Cherry Hill,NJ 56 M 438I 245 2:01:07.09 24.Thomas Chewey Cranford,NJ 59 M 441I 70 2:02:41.77 25.Richard Breen Jr. Alexandria,VA 58 M 453I 48 2:27:01.34 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 55 TO 59 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Donna Maugeri Brant Beach,NJ 57 F 127I 270 1:21:57.18 2.Barbara Clarke West Chester,PA 55 F 212I 83 1:27:43.67 3.Margaret Delury Brigantine,NJ 55 F 353B 104 1:41:01.33 4.Beverly Cream West Windsor,NJ 56 F 379I 90 1:46:30.97 5.Laura Sudarsky New City,NY 56 F 387I 416 1:47:36.06 6.Deborah Phillips Brigantine,NJ 59 F 399B 339 1:50:17.02 7.Marilyn Mann New City,NY 59 F 421I 263 1:55:07.69 8.Lorraine Breen Alexandria,VA 56 F 435I 47 1:59:53.73 9.Karen Falkenstein Cherry Hill,NJ 58 F 443I 136 2:03:35.71 10.Lynne Dasilva New City,NY 57 F 454I 100 2:29:46.03 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 60 TO 69 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Nicholas Vaganos Brigantine,NJ 60 M 165B 444 1:24:35.22 2.Joseph Stanton Jenkintown,PA 60 M 204I 406 1:27:05.67 3.Gary Jenkins Phoenixville,PA 60 M 240I U 211 1:30:12.58 4.Thomas Mitchell Brick,NJ 60 M 256I 292 1:31:32.75 5.Robert Lopez Otis,MA 60 M 329I 253 1:38:45.66 6.Michael Feely Brigantine,NJ 67 M 358B 470 1:42:10.38 7.Patrick Donahue Wyomissing,PA 68 M 363I 119 1:43:12.75 8.Albert Ricci Lancaster,PA 62 M 385I 358 1:47:01.04 9.Leroy Kardon Merion,PA 62 M 405I 215 1:51:19.10 10.Tom Morris Ocean City,NJ 69 M 425I U 298 1:57:26.22 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 60 TO 69 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Pam Paparone Ventnor,NJ 60 F 366I 330 1:44:04.93 2.Patricia Baldt Brigantine,NJ 61 F 401B 9 1:50:28.51 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE AGES 70 TO 89 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.David Kahn Brigantine,NJ 72 M 450B 472 2:18:12.27 2.Herbert Rosen Gladwyne,PA 79 M 455I 369 2:38:52.99 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE AGES 70 TO 89 PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME NO FINISHERS BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE 90 AND OVER PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME NO FINISHERS BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE 90 AND OVER PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME NO FINISHERS BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE NO AGES ON APPLICATION PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME 1.Not Registered , 99 M 71 491 1:17:11.60 2.Not Registered , 99 M 419 492 1:54:55.26 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE NO AGES ON APPLICATION PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX OVERALL (#) TIME NO FINISHERS
BRIGANTINE Special Category Results BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL MALE BRIGANTINE PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX CODE (#) TIME 1.Leo Suniaga Brigantine,NJ 46 M B 418 1:04:12.83 2.Sean Daley Brigantine,NJ 36 M B 96 1:07:39.06 3.Eric Tucker Brigantine,NJ 39 M B 442 1:10:28.85 4.Eric Schreiner Brigantine,NJ 43 M B 392 1:13:49.69 5.Brandon Mckenzie Brigantine,NJ 16 M B 281 1:14:31.33 6.Mel Chettum Brigantine,NJ 42 M B U 68 1:16:32.02 7.Brian Mulford Brigantine,NJ 39 M B 300 1:17:27.27 8.Anthony Lupinacci Brigantine,NJ 28 M B 255 1:19:32.46 9.Will Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 17 M B 45 1:20:13.17 10.Paul Mckenzie Brigantine,NJ 47 M B 282 1:21:31.84 11.Ed Pistilli Brigantine,NJ 58 M B 342 1:22:56.04 12.Chris Ciarrocchi Brigantine,NJ 41 M B 79 1:24:01.81 13.Nicholas Vaganos Brigantine,NJ 60 M B 444 1:24:35.22 14.Scott Rote Brigantine,NJ 48 M B 372 1:25:08.33 15.Owen Braithwaite Brigantine,NJ 14 M B 44 1:25:18.38 16.Jose Moreno Brigantine,NJ 52 M B 297 1:25:55.99 17.William Baldwin Brigantine,NJ 51 M B 12 1:26:21.14 18.Jack Crooks Brigantine,NJ 13 M B 92 1:27:07.61 19.Gabriel Arizin Brigantine,NJ 12 M B 466 1:27:49.11 20.Dave Demarco Brigantine,NJ 46 M B 105 1:28:17.78 21.Daniel Brown Brigantine,NJ 14 M B U 51 1:28:26.70 22.Louis Lupinacci Brigantine,NJ 22 M B 256 1:30:51.19 23.Steve Cordasco Brigantine,NJ 47 M B 469 1:31:41.70 24.Howard Hassman Brigantine,NJ 56 M B 196 1:32:56.23 25.Matthew Crooks Brigantine,NJ 13 M B 93 1:33:51.30 BRIGANTINE TRIATHLON - INDIVIDUAL FEMALE BRIGANTINE PLACE RUNNER'S NAME CITY/TOWN AGE SX CODE (#) TIME 1.Collette Mancuso Brigantine,NJ 34 F B 260 1:22:43.16 2.Maureen Bald Baldwin Brigantine,NJ 45 F B 10 1:23:44.19 3.Lauren Robbins Brigantine,NJ 35 F B 360 1:24:04.48 4.Eileen Kelly Brigantine,NJ 35 F B 219 1:24:48.95 5.Daniela Cassara Brigantine,NJ 21 F B 60 1:25:12.58 6.Carrie Mulford Brigantine,NJ 43 F B 301 1:26:44.32 7.Jill Tate Brigantine,NJ 37 F B 478 1:27:22.11 8.Lauren Stinson Brigantine,NJ 16 F B 411 1:28:31.38 9.Margot Murray Brigantine,NJ 14 F B U 307 1:34:32.08 10.Sophia Nekoranik Brigantine,NJ 49 F B 312 1:35:19.18 11.Christina Vaganos Brigantine,NJ 24 F B 443 1:37:28.21 12.Marissa Murray Brigantine,NJ 17 F B U 308 1:39:24.55 13.Lisa Coates Brigantine,NJ 48 F B 84 1:39:34.36 14.Jennifer Keats Brigantine,NJ 44 F B 216 1:39:51.06 15.Beth Cipollini Brigantine,NJ 49 F B 80 1:39:55.78 16.Margaret Delury Brigantine,NJ 55 F B 104 1:41:01.33 17.Mollye Lange Brigantine,NJ 44 F B 475 1:45:03.84 18.Chelsea Mckenna Brigantine,NJ 21 F B 279 1:46:23.42 19.Patty Delson Brigantine,NJ 48 F B 103 1:46:46.66 20.Paige Frost Brigantine,NJ 22 F B 159 1:47:46.68 21.Toni Flowers Brigantine,NJ 43 F B 151 1:49:58.65 22.Deborah Phillips Brigantine,NJ 59 F B 339 1:50:17.02 23.Francesca Waddington Brigantine,NJ 20 F B 451 1:50:17.46 24.Patricia Baldt Brigantine,NJ 61 F B 9 1:50:28.51 25.Luanne Klemm Brigantine,NJ 42 F B 473 1:57:40.40
Will the Annual Community Yard Sale occur Memorial Weekend or will it be postponed later in the season