The BRIGANTINE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION recently shared this public information provided by the City.
This data helps Brigantine taxpayers evaluate their municipal government’s 2021 budget and its allocation and expenditure of taxes and other revenue.
The US Census Bureau’s 2019 estimated population of Brigantine is 8,650. That’s down several thousand compared to the 2010 Census. (The 2020 Census numbers aren’t available yet).
A population trend, as well as any pandemic effect on our permanent, fulltime population, must be considered when reviewing the scope, feasibility and cost of municipal services and the economic health of local businesses.
Number of Brigantine employees earning at least $100,000 is 45.
Number of listed positions (excluding seasonal ones) is 182, That’s two more than in 2019.
There are 34 police officers and 34 firefighter/EMTs.
Listed Brigantine payroll is $11.4 million. That’s UP $300,000 compared to 2019. This number includes base salary, longevity payments and all 32 different stipends.
Not included in the Brigantine salary numbers:
Overtime $457,400
Health benefits: $2 million
State & Federal statutory retirement / pension payments: $3.6 million
Longevity payments (being paid just for being on the job, $272,000).
Longevity, an unjustified expense for taxpayers, is part of the municipal union contracts for those hired before Jan 2015.
Proposed 2021 Brigantine budget was introduced on 3/3/21. It includes 1.7% increase in local purpose tax rate. It will be voted on by Council on 4/7/21.
Others taxes not counted here, include School and Atlantic County.
Redistribution of wealth at its finest
Taking money from non-resident, non-voting homeowners and redistributing it to Brig townies and “unemployable-in-the-real-world”, lifers
Not only do the town “leaders” openly pillage the non-resident home-owners, but the public areas of the town are an absolute disgrace…a dump.
The streets are like Dresden, Germany after WWII, the landscaping of the median strips and other public areas are a pathetic embarrassment, and who’s the imbecile that thought Astro-turf in the town square was a good idea (what a dimwit) ?
The list goes one & on….
Perhaps the incompetents running Brigantine might drive 10 miles south to OCNJ or another 20 to Stone Harber and see how competent and honest municipal leaders manage a town with taxes that are 1/2 to 2/3 of what taxes are in Brigantine
Democrat or Republican…it matters not…”absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
I would like to buy the beach passes so I can go on the beach how do you do that nothing here is letting me select that option