Brigantine NEWS & INFO
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- Seth on Brigantine Passes Controversial New Short-Term Rental Law: “Alternatively, you can keep prices in check by increasing the number of units. If Brigantine isn’t going to build any…” Dec 11, 11:10
- CommonSense on Brigantine Passes Controversial New Short-Term Rental Law: “I would guess that 98% of your post is inaccurate. Every assumption you have about STRs is incorrect and nonsensical.…” Oct 30, 08:36
- Seth on Brigantine Museum & History: “Wow, thanks for writing this. I’ve been going through old photos, it’s fascinating stuff thinking about what it would be…” Sep 12, 11:45
- E. Neumann on Remembering Brigantine Castle in Pictures: “Paul your name sounds very familiar. I worked there summer of 79 and 80.” Sep 3, 20:33
- Bridget Mckenna on Remembering Brigantine Castle in Pictures: “I just know I saw a lot of brochures to the Brigantine Castle I never been there but I’ve heard…” Aug 14, 19:42

Talk With A Purpose. Demasi & Grossman. WPG Radio. Sat 9am
Watch: Thrown To The Wind.
More Brigantine News
Should Realtors disclose Brigantine short-term rental issues with buyers?
Overtime in Brigantine. City Council Meeting MAY 7, 2014
Pension Payouts.
Brigantine Chief Bennett should have absolutely NO access to managing the City communications, and that includes the main city website…which is a publicly owned asset, not a propaganda tool.
Brigantine Council. Temper Flare over Golf Course BID RIG 2 3 2016
Brigantine Girl Power. Councilwoman McClay & City Manager Blumenthal stump the Mayor with financial facts.
Brigantine’s Mayor prefers to keep City Hall activity quiet. With social media and Websites like , Guenther is no longer able to conduct business for ‘insiders’ only.
Brigantine WOND Radio Mayor Guenther OVERTIME Scandal MAY.2014
Rick Delucry rips sweet Brigantine Fire Department Contract terms.
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By Rubashov
The NJEA (Teachers Union) is buying influence with the NJGOP.
No less than 14 incumbent Republican legislators in New Jersey (plus legislative candidate Al Barlas) have sought and received the endorsement of the NJEA.
(ex: Vince Polistina and Don Guardian)
The endorsement of the NJEA, the state’s largest teachers’ union, means campaign money and grassroots support for those Republicans – in exchange for GOP support in the Legislature for policies that advance the agenda of the NJEA.
The NJEA is leading the opposition to parental rights legislation in New Jersey and has labeled parents who question the Woke ideological indoctrination of children as “extremists”.