Boating Safety Classes in Brigantine

It’s that best time of the year. The weather is hot and the water is warm. Before leaving the dock though, please keep in mind that safety of life, limb and property is a personal responsibility we should all follow no matter what we do. While boating, wearing a life jacket is perhaps your single, most important responsibility for both you and your passengers. According to Coast Guard statistics, about 500 boaters drown every year. Of these, almost 90% were not wearing a lifejacket.

Why didn’t those boaters wear their life jackets? Past reasons for not wearing a life jacket arc simply not true for today’s personal flotation devices. Today’s jackets arc no longer the hot and bulky vests once associated with water safety gear. Now there arc many attractive styles and colors to choose from, including infant wearables and the newest inflatables. There is simply no excuse for not wearing a life jacket aboard a pleasure craft. Besides that, in

New Jersey, anyone under the age of 13 is required to wear a life jacket.

Federal regulations for recreational boats state that life jackets must be Coast Guard approved, in good and serviceable condition and of appropriate size for the intended wearer. One size docs not fit all! Recreational boats must carry one approved personal flotation device for each person aboard. They must also be close at hand and quickly ready for use. A life jacket stowed in an inaccessible compartment docs little good when the unexpected happens, and suddenly the boater is in the water. The best life jacket or other personal flotation dc vice is the one that is already being worn. Thinking you will put your life jacket on only in ease of emergency is like thinking you will put your seat belt on as the accident happens!

Learn more about boating safety. Flotilla 85 of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Sat August 11. All operators of power vessels and personal water craft (Jet Ski, Wave Runner, etc.) on waters of the State of New Jersey, regardless of age, arc now required to possess a boating safety certificate. Upon passing the test at the end of the “About Boating Safely” class a NJ Boating Safety Certificate will be issued.

A $60 prepaid registration is required. Classes arc taught by qualified US. Coast Guard Auxiliary instructors. The class will run 8 hours and a lunch will be provided. Class size is limited so please register now to guarantee availabil ity. The class starts at 9:00 A.M. and is held at the Brigantine Beach Community Center, 265 42nd Street.

You may register by sending an email to: boatsafely@com or leave a message at (609) 926 7607. Class information is also on our website at www.uscgaux brigantine Remember, this is our final class for this year. Please register early to guarantee a scat.

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