The Brigantine Taxpayers Association has published the 2021 salary chart for Brigantine public school employees. Here are some excerpts:
30% of Brigantine property taxes support the public school system.
Brigantine student enrollment continues to decline.
- 2009: 1,100 students.
- 2021: 610 students.
Brigantine School District Per-Pupil Cost is $32,000.
Brigantine School District expenses: $21 million.
Number of Brigantine School District employees: 125.
Brigantine teacher/student ratio is 8:1.
Total of Brigantine listed salaries: $8.6 million.
24 Brigantine School employees have salary of $100,000 or more. That doesn’t include health insurance, pension, longevity or overtime.
Editors Note: Brigantine is a sending district to the notoriously dysfunctional, Atlantic City High School.
Due to health concerns, statewide academic and other school assessments were cancelled in 2020.
Pre-pandemic, Brigantine’s public school had overall mediocre academic assessments. Brigantine leaders continue to lead the public into believing they were ‘great’.
Moving forward, let’s hope Brigantine schools will show progress in educating all or most of its students, to the full extent of their abilities, in fundamental, necessary subjects, at a reasonable cost.
Employee benefits, excluding pensions and Social Security paid by NJ State, are 38% of salaries.
School District of Brigantine still has a pattern of high administrative and teacher salary costs.
We’ve recommended elimination of longevity for new hires, removing it as part of the base salary, no payment for unused sick leave, reconsidering the teacher/student ratio, and any other relevant “best practices” to reduce costs.
Brigantine is a ‘Type-1’ school district, a rarity among NJ’s 550 school districts.
The 7-member, Brigantine Board of Education is appointed by the Mayor. In this case, that would be Mayor Vince Sera. The school budget is voted on by a 5-member Board of School Estimate, comprised of Mayor Sera, 2 City Council members, and 2 Board of Education members.
By presenting this 2020-2021 school year data, the Brigantine Taxpayers Association continues to enable and encourage taxpayers to hold accountable those responsible for educating our students.
I think we need more teachers……
A broken school system with a cost per student of an elite private school.
When will there be an honest accounting of how and why, we as taxpayers should continue to bare such a hefty tax burden.
In NYC, the cost per student is $12k+, not $32k+.
The student ratio is at the least three times the 8 to 1!
You would expect students grade average would be off the charts and ivy league university recruiting efforts would be relentless.
We all need to get our heads out of the sand and work together to address the long term course of action as we can not sustain this escalating tax burden.
Corrupt town run by locals taking advantage of vacation homeowners.
They love second homeowners, so much so, they celebrate them leaving after Labor Day with Shoo-bee parties. How nice.
I was fed up with BS politics after 20 years of home vacation ownership. Sold my homes and took my equity to Florida.
I would advise vacation homeowners to get the hell out and take your money to a town that appreciates you.
Hi Jeff. Could not agree with you more. After 20 years of owning a second home, and reading this article about the School Employees Salaries, we are seriously considering selling. The salaries of the City Employees are off the charts, with much of the money coming from second homeowners. If it were not for second homeowners and “Shoobie” tourism, this town would be Bankrupt.
We sold our vacation property last September because of the misappropriation of our tax dollars and had no voice because we were not primary residents. All NJ coastal towns love second homeowners because it’s free money
Let me play my tiny violin for SECOND homeowners. lol talk about entitled and out of touch.
Brad, look in the mirror……… are an EXACT example of the type of Brigantine resident that so many second homeowners are running away from. You come off as Arrogant and ignorant to the fact that the only reason Brigantine has enjoyed increased property values is due to second homeowners investments. Is this too complicated of a concept for you to understand? If you were educated in the underperforming Brigantine school system then maybe it is.
As a retired teacher and second homeowner let us not vent our anger at the school employees. Many employees have been employed by The Brigantine school district for years hence their well deserved salaries. Six figures in education often means 20 plus years of service not over paid employees.
The high cost of 32,000 comes from the decline in students more so than the cost of salaries. It maybe time to reduce staff not always a popular choice. Brigantine gives second homeowners an oasis away from the normal tourist trapped towns. You pay for what you get. So stop complaining.
Brigantine ranks 399th in the state (bottom 50% of all schools):
Math Proficiency 39%
Reading Proficiency 39%
Pretty underwhelming results given the overwhelming investment per child in the schools, and the healthy compensation of the educators and administrators.
Please name another district in this region and/or state that offered in-person 5 days a week, full day schedule for students since October? Not half days, not hybrid days, etc…
The district was awarded as the JIF Safety and Security Award during the pandemic thanks to the collaborative work of the BOE, staff, students, parents, and community leadership. The district staff and students were awarded numerous awards during the year. The district offered numerous professional development at little to no cost to strengthen pedagogy.
The district also partnered with Columbia University Teacher’s College for Reading and writing, which staff members received extensive training, which again, I ask you to name another district that did that for all staff? While the staff and students were building plans to make this year work to be in school, and working hard all year with everything thrown at it, where was Brigantine now Taxpayers Association all this time?
The district has also recently merged the superintendent into a dual role as Principal too. You should be proud of the extensive work that the BOE, administration, students, staff, and families have done in a year until any other in our history of education.
Yes, there is declining enrollment, as it is with many shore towns due to our government selling out to second home owners. However, small schools do more educationally, socially, and emotionally for children than larger districts.
In a critical time in education, where the social and emotional issues have increased significantly, we need all the resources necessary to help in this endeavor. I have research to back this up.
Also, through attrition, many districts, including Brigantine, have not filled retirement positions. After 38 years in education, I am proud of the job Mr. Robbins and the Brigantine North School is doing to get “back to normal” and make Brigantine a shining star while being cognizant of the taxpayers.
My kids were in school all year. 5 days full day. No hybrid. With excellent results. Your (Brig’s) collaborations and awards are nice – but ultimately meaningless because they don’t reverse the school’s awful outcomes. There should be some correlation and accountability, right? 39% proficiency at $32k per child is AWFUL. And I’m from another shore town with a small public school…that performs very well. Don’t blame this on seasonal population.
Unfortunately, standardized test proficiency rates are highly correlated with home wealth (and at the school level, with the percentage of students from well-to-do homes).
I have run correlations statewide, and in NJ, we are talking about a correlation of .90 plus (with 1 being a perfect correlation — i.e., as wealth goes up, performance goes up in direct proportion).
So to compare Brigantine’s scores with Sea Isle City or Haddonfield is probably inappropriate.
That said, Brigantine has a pretty cushy deal when it comes to its schools. The reason it was able to have in-person learning all year long five days per week is because its class sizes were already so small — i.e., easy to socially distance without alternating attendance schedules.
I would recommend retirement-based reductions over time to bring costs down and slow the rate of real estate tax increases.
Here’s the reality: if you choose to have a second shore home, you should be prepared to pay taxes that are commensurate with the luxury of living by the beach.
Perfectly fine for part-time homeowners(who all pay school taxes elsewhere, too) to be robbed blind by shore towns.
—NOT to educate the locals’ children —which clearly they are not doing, given the residents’ children’s HORRIBLE academic records—but rather to employ at exorbitant salaries, a bunch of townies who are unemployable anywhere else.
We worked hard and saved our money to be able to afford a beach home. You think it’s OUR responsibility to pay for the education of your dimwitted progeny.
Clearly the apples don’t fall far from the tree in Brigantine.
EVERY Catholic school in tri-state area costs about $11,000 per student, NOT $35,000 per student like Brigantine.
I couldn’t agree more. Second home owners stop your complaining. It’s the cost of living in New Jersey. The state that mismanages every dime. Keep up the good work Brigantine teachers and administrators.
$32,000 per year per student. 8-1 teacher to student ratio, along with a 3.5- student to staff ratio. Same curriculum year after year, no syllabus for parents to follow. The handouts have been reprinted so many times you can barely read them. More days off for our teachers and staff than all near by school districts. Substitute teachers in some classes 1-2 x a week who babysit instead of teaching( because no lesson plan was left for them, or they are not qualified to teach the material). Just a few reasons our students education is sub par. With a 3.5 staff to student ratio sounds more like a fancy country club.
3.5- student to staff ratio. Same curriculum year after year, no syllabus for parents or students to follow. The handouts have been reprinted so many times you can barely read them. More days off for our teachers and staff than all near by school districts. Substitute teachers in some classes 1-2 x a week who babysit instead of teaching( because no lesson plan was left for them, or they are not qualified to teach the material). Just a few reasons our students education is sub par. With a 3.5 staff to student ratio sounds more like a fancy country club.