Brigantine Considers Raising Beach Tag Fees

Brigantine City Council has proposed two changes to the City’s Beach Fee Ordinance:

  • Reinstate 2 free beach tags with purchase of 4X4 beach permit.
  • $5 increase to seasonal beach badge fee.

The seasonal beach badge fee increase is needed to help offset an anticipated 2021 deficit of almost $400,000 in beach-related revenues.

Beach tags are back with you purchase of a 4×4 permit.

Brigantine Mayor Vince Sera claims it costs $2 million per year to operate the Brigantine beaches.

Sera wants deep audit of all Brigantine operations. To date, this does not happen on a regular basis.

Links at Brigantine Golf Course has yet to be audited. It’s no longer a separate entity that must operate at a profit. Many believe it operates in the red.

Brigantine Links golf course committee chair, Karen Bew, does not provide regular revenue & expense reports for the course.

An audit of beach operations is getting a closer look. City says there will be a $400,000 short fall for beach revenue in 2021.

Costs approx $2 million to run the beaches of Brigantine.

This would be the first beach tag increase in over 10 years.

Beach Tags

Brigantine’s seasonal beach badges are still lower than most New Jersey shore towns.

A public hearing on the proposed changes will take place at the November 4 Brigantine City Council meeting.

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17 thoughts on “Brigantine Considers Raising Beach Tag Fees”

  1. If there is a deficit, WHY give free beach tags with 4×4 purchase? The 4×4 permit is for the priviledge to take a vehicle on the beach. People require a purchased badge. If we, as taxpaying Homeowners have to BUY a badge, then day-trippers certainly should have to pay.
    I wish those in power would put on their common-sense hats.

      1. If 4×4 permits include 2 FREE “people” badges, that is free, Sir. I submit that many 4×4 permits are not Brigantine taxpayers. As a taxpayer, I should receive 2 free beach badges for every property that I own on the Island

  2. Get rid of drive on…..yes I know it brings some revenue however it increases costs with tag checkers, trash clean up, policing etc, etc

  3. Brigantine Hockey Mom

    Brigantine needs an independent audit of the entire city. Council members are running un-opposed on Nov 3.

    Mr Delucry no longer acts as respectful opposition. Golf course is a black hole of cash.

  4. Really,
    something is seriously wrong if it costs $2 million to run the beach. I would love to audit both the beach and golf course expenses.
    If something smells rotten, it usually is.
    Sign me up for the audit committee… don’t need to be a CPA to expose a stinking fish!!

  5. Brig fiscal stewardship is F.
    No real department audits.
    So now they want to raise fees to make up for overspending.
    When will council people wake up!!

  6. Ann P Jenkins-Higdon

    I’m curious about the ability of people to take a walk on the beach after dinner wearing street clothing. I used the 34th street from 1945-1971. You walked once you crossed the dunes. The stroll to the Jetty was nice after dinner. Since progress means drugs, inappropriate alcohol consumption, the beach becoming a parking lot I’m glad it’s your problem not mine. Penny

  7. Please do the independent audit. Been saying this for a while – this town like all south jersey beach towns ( minus AC ) are awash in cash. It’s been a building bonanza for 20 plus years so start adding up all those little houses and their $5k property taxes that got demolished for very big houses and their $15k + property taxes. Then factor in massive drops in school enrollment. Revenue up expenses down = $. We should all be getting tax rebates

  8. That will be the day when Sera allows a deep audit of this corrupt town. If you’re not born here then you’re not part of the inner circle who earn their wages from Brigantine taxpayers. Too many cops and firemen, too little done to improve the golf course when Jaworski tried to purchase it. Hire an Honest outside auditing firm to clean up the corruption. The police here make double what a Philadelphia policeman earns. Cut their salaries.

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