Brigantine Dog Park Feedback

To the editor about the Brigantine Dog Park, from Eileen Connolly:

I attended the city council meeting on Wednesday, July 17 to show my support for relocating and reopening the dog park that was suddenly closed by unanimous vote of city council at their previous meeting.

I just read the article written by Tom Morgan (brother of Rams Coach Mike Morgan) in The Brigantine Times dated July 19. In the article he states, “No city official contacted the Brigantine Rams Association to let them know that a large portion of a practice field that they have used for 19 years was going to become a dog park.”

When Coach Mike Morgan spoke at the city council meeting, he admitted that he had, in fact, had discussions with Councilman Tony Pullella about the dog park. This was only after Councilman Pullella spoke up to set the record straight. He and Coach Morgan had talked and discussed the dog park’s location next to the Brigantine Community Center, and Coach Morgan had reluctantly agreed that it was probably the best place for the dog park! (Strike one.)

Coach Morgan said he was concerned about the safety of the kids with having the dog park so close to the ball fields. He knows that there have not been any incidents of children being bitten or attacked by dogs at the dog park. The dogs are on leashes when being led into the enclosed, secure dog park, and only unleashed after they are inside the fence area. He is using scare tactics. (Strike two.)

Coach Morgan went on to say when it was suggested that he could use the area behind the Community Center for his additional practice space that it was uneven and full of stones. I went over and walked that area today. It is no more uneven then the other area next to the Community Center, and both areas have some small stones. I urge the city council members and city manager to walk that area also. (Strike three – you’re out!)

Using these tactics of misrepresenting the facts is uncalled for and shameful. Next to the Community Center is the perfect place for a dog park. It will have easy access to water, bathroom facilities, lighting, and many senior citizens will be able to take their dogs and/or enjoy watching the dogs play.

I understand that there were over 750 people who purchased the $25 access cards to get into the former dog park and had to prove that their dogs are vaccinated!

This community has more than enough recreational facilities for the children, and frankly, some of it is rarely used the majority of the time. The dog park is in use all year long and necessary for our dogs and dog owners. How about learning to share the space that we have all paid for with our tax dollars?

In closing, why doesn’t the city reuse any parts of the old dog park that can be salvaged, such as fencing and the gazebo? And live up to getting the dog park reopened in the next three weeks!

Thanks for listening.

Eileen Connolly

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1 thought on “Brigantine Dog Park Feedback”

  1. Martha Harris

    What is going on with the new Dog Park? It seems to be a State Secret. When can our dogs find a place where they can legally run and play with their friends? Many Seniors and people with varying disabilities are at a loss.

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