2014 Brigantine Farmers Market Vendor Application
1. Agricultural Vendors: Local farmers that produce and/or grown one or more of the following products: fruit, vegetables, plants (starts, annuals, perennials, herbs) cut flowers and herbs, dairy products, farm raised meat, seafood, and eggs. Value added products such as jams, jellies, salsa, honey, soaps, herbal oils, etc) from one or more of the above referenced items are eligible. If the vendor also operates as a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, share pickup at the market is allowed. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Agricultural products not on this list may be sold with approval of the Farmers Market Committee.
2. Food Vendors: They take an active part in making/baking the majority of the items they plan to sell. Products sold by food vendors include items for onsite and offsite consumption including, for example, baked goods, coffee, refreshments and value added products such as jams, jellies, salsa, honey, soaps, herbal oils, etc. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Food products not on this list may be sold with approval of the Farmers Market Committee. Vendors selling prepared foods shall prepare and serve foods in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local health regulations. All foods and beverages sold or used in food preparation shall be first quality and conform in all respects to Federal, State and local food and other laws, ordinances and regulations.
3. Craft Vendors: Take an active part in the making of the items they plan to sell. Products sold by craft vendors include artisan jewelry, crafts, knit or sewn items, wreaths, and baskets for example. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Craft products not on this list may be sold with the approval of the Farmers Market Committee.
Because one of the primary goals of this market is to promote local agriculture, the Farmers Market Committee is requiring that approximately 50% of the market vendors be agricultural. All vendors must agree to abide by the rules established for the Market. Agriculturally derived products are defined as agricultural, horticultural, and dairy products, livestock and the products thereof, the products of poultry and bee raising, the edible products of forestry, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and minimally processed.
Download Brigantine Farmers Market Vendor Application Here
The deadline for the initial application material for priority selection is March 15, 2014. The appropriate Application must be accompanied by the Hold Harmless Agreement and a non-refundable check payable to the City of Brigantine in the amount of $20.00 and sent to:
- The City of Brigantine
- Attn: Farmers Market
- 1417 W Brigantine Ave
- Brigantine, NJ, 08203
Applications received after this deadline will be accepted, and if there are vacancies available at the market, vendors will be selected at the discretion of the Farmers Market Committee. If there are no vacancies at the time an application is received, the applicant will be placed on a waiting list for participation in the market. The Farmers Market Committee will notify vendors if they have been selected to participate in the market by April 4, 2014.
If a vendor is selected to participate in the Market, the annual Seasonal Participation for a 10×10 location is:
- Paid prior May 1: $60.00
- Paid after May 1: $75.00
The Seasonal Participation fee is to be sent to the address above.
The City reserves the right to substitute another vendor if the selected vendor fails to pay the required fee by June 1, 2014.
The Farmers Market Committee (the Committee) will evaluate applications. The review process will be for the purpose of finding the specific applicants that are the most qualified to participate in the Market. Please note that the Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any and all applications if it is in the best interest of the Farmers Market. Considerations in the review of all applications will include:
1. Whether the business is located in Brigantine or operated by a Brigantine resident
2. Whether the operation is located in New Jersey
3. Percentage of product that is directly agricultural or produced in New Jersey with New Jersey materials
Considerations for Agricultural Vendors:
1. Willingness to accept food assistance program vouchers/checks/EBT (e.g., food stamp EBT, WIC, Senior, Farmers Market)
2. Certified organic products offered for sale
The Atlantic County Division of Public Health requires all mobile retail food vendors to submit an application to their department prior to participating in a special/temporary event or vending in any municipality within the County (except Atlantic City). A “Mobile Retail Food Establishment” means any movable restaurant, truck, van, trailer, cart, bicycle, watercraft, or other movable unit including hand carried, portable containers in or on which food or beverage is transported, stored, or prepared for retail sale or given away at temporary locations.
If you have not submitted an application to this Department for the current year: Fill out and submit a “Mobile Retail Food Establishment Application” for review and approval If you are a Mobile Retail Food Establishment that has already been approved to operate within this County for the current year and plan on participating in a special event: Fill out and submit a “Mobile Retail Food Application – Amendment” prior to the event. If you have already received a license or “approval to operate” in Vineland City or Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem Counties:
Submit a copy of the original application and a “Mobile Retail Food Establishment – Amendment” Applications can be found at: http://www.aclink.org/PublicHealth
If you have any questions, please contact Jill Miles at the Atlantic County Division of Public Health at 609-645-5971 extension 4367 or Mark Vetter at 609-645-5971 extension 4382.