Brigantine For Sale Signs Multiply as City Employees Get a Raise

Brigantine Public Union
Platt, Guenther & Stroby

Shhhh. Can you hear it? That’s the sound of another FOR SALE sign being planted in the front yard of a Brigantine home.

New, higher taxes could be on the way to pay for the latest and very rich ‘dispatcher’ contract pushed through by Team Guenther / Simpson on Wednesday night. Up next: an un-sustainable Brigantine Teachers contract. Police and Fire contracts have already been settled, making those in public safety…some of the highest paid city workers in not just the state… but the entire country.

We know a  group that gathers to watch City Council meetings in the comfort of a 2nd ward Brigantine bungalow. ‘City Manager Stinson is one of the worst City Managers’ said one woman known as ‘Kay’. ‘Stinson makes Police Chief Reed sound like Albert Einstein’.

When you review the council videos, Stinson is unsure of payouts and bill pay lists. His follow up on citizen’s requests is rare. He has poor record keeping skills too. ‘Kay’ from the 2nd ward says Stinson was an easy push-over in negotiations with public union thug; Absecon’s Tiger Platt. ‘Tiger is a 2-day a week fire captain that costs taxpayers close to $200,000 per year’.

Councilwoman McClay throws a softball question to Brigantine’s new CFO. It’s about the golf course budget. McClay targeted the inquiry to the CFO who’s sounds like she’s already fluent in ‘Guenther speak’. CFO Roxanne talks smart….but provides no valid information. (Guenther Speak) McClay takes the bait and lets the newbie CFO off the hook. McClay sits back and patiently waits her turn to talk about the Farmers Market.

Who can afford to live in Brigantine?

City employees seem to be the only local, full time residents that can afford to stay put in Brigantine. Their sweet paychecks, benefits and pensions are the best and biggest in South Jersey.

It’s true. Part-time residents pay 70% of the tax bill. Most…but not all….can begrudgingly handle the out-of-control tax increases….to a certain extent.

But full-timers, especially those on a fixed income, are the Brigantiners being hurt the most by public employee contracts that benefit a very small group of insiders.

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1 thought on “Brigantine For Sale Signs Multiply as City Employees Get a Raise”

  1. The plan hasn’t worked as well as we thought given that there are only 725 FOOT Shoobie homes for sale (4% are bank owned and 18% are “distressed”). We won’t stop until we drive them all out of town.

    “Housing costs in Brigantine are among some of the highest in the nation, although real estate prices here don’t compare to real estate prices in the most expensive communities in New Jersey.”
    quoting another website

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