Brigantine Garden Club Celebrates 40 Years

Garden Club pic by Jack Fahey.

Celebrating 40 years of making Brigantine bloom.

The Brigantine Garden Club was founded in September of 1979 and has been the recipient of many community awards over the years.

Working hard to beautify Brigantine through volunteer gardening work.

Can you help out? Perhaps you can lend some expertise, maybe help on a committee or tend a community garden bed.

Get involved and give back to the island you love for life.

The volunteers of the Brigantine Garden Club showing 40 Years of beauty and love.

Brigantine Garden Club. A non-profit organization that brings beauty to Brigantine Island with various gardening projects throughout the city. Get involved:

In normal times, we’d be making plans for celebrating the 40th Anniversary of The Brigantine Garden Club. The committee discussed many activities for the celebration. All currently on hold.

NOTE: Because the club couldn’t get all plants needed for the beds this year, donations were greatly appreciated. Exceptional generosity being shown to the bed tenders.

Join the Brigantine Garden Club

If you can tend a community bed, lend expertise, help on a committee and attend a few meetings between March and October, you’re perfect for the Garden Club.

Meetings are on the first Monday of the month (except holidays, then second Monday of the month) and take place at the Brigantine Beach Community Center from 7 pm-9 pm. No dues are required.

DONATE: The bronze Memorial Tree on the lower level of Brigantine’s library is a unique and lasting way to honor a special person, date or occasion. Buy a leaf. Just $50. Contact:

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