Download & view invoices from Doran Engineering. To the average Brigantine citizen, the discussion of no-bid contracts, insider deals and engineering invoices will make your eyes glaze over. But take a good look at these invoices.
If your Brigantine taxes jumped by 25-50% this year, your interest is certainly piqued by this pillage of taxpayer dollars and non-compliance of New Jersey statute. Who is Matt Doran? He just might be Brigantine’s new city engineer come January 2015.
Download All Files Here > Doran Engineering Invoices
I smell class action lawsuit? Do you smell class action lawsuit?
Its funny I would guess that city officials and Doran had any clue of the NJ statute!
Doran..”statue, what statue?”
Brigantine City.. “we don’t know anything about no statue”
It’s like Oliver North all over again when asked a question he didn’t want to answer; “I don’t recall”.
Class Action more like Criminal ? The videos on YouTube & Brig Now show the Mayor & party in charge plus then City Manager & City Engineer all saying the % bill is for estimate , then Doran will be paid for work done. In the end they were paid a 15% of Total Job as pay for work which is never broken down to see if the City got a good deal for its Taxpayers or Doran got abgreat deal extra for the owners of the company. But what about the law stating it is illegal to pay a Municipal Engineer a Percentage of the Contract price for work completed. So it was against the law to pay them 15% of $3,000,000 contract or $450,000. Should be interesting to see how this washes out. Will the Republicans take over council and award contracts to Doran or will the Dems dig deeper into this mess?
Must be another “glitch”