From Angela Hines-Reynolds of the Brigantine Chamber of Commerce: (edited excerpts) Following a recent Brigantine City Council meeting, I posted my feelings regarding the current “temperature” in Brigantine.
I believe Brigantine residents are experiencing frustration due to redundant battles & lack of progress.
My overall feeling is that Brigantine has not made a concerted effort in the past… to be ‘business-friendly’.
I’m in agreement. The Brigantine Chamber of Commerce, for many years, was more of a social group rather than the business organization that it needs to be.
As of December, the Board of the Brigantine Chamber saw an overhaul. A new President and three new members were placed on the Board. The Board now consists of local business people who are ready to take proactive strides to open our bridge to visitors. This process takes time. It can not be done overnight. We understand that now is an integral time to market our island, and in the near future measures will be taken to create exposure for Brigantine.
Your (BrigantineNOW) efforts to provide exposure to Brigantine events are applauded. Though I may not always agree with your delivery, I do recognize the value of BrigantineNow as a marketing vehicle. As a Board member of the Chamber, I would hope that you would keep an open mind to our “refreshed” organization and support our upcoming efforts rather than bash them. (BrigantineNOW poking fun at ‘Casino Night’, dead websites, weak efforts from past Chamber leaders, etc)
It’s not a Chamber vs BrigantineNow issue-I believe that both are working in the same direction to promote our island. We’re a work in progress with a goal to present Brigantine as the incredible island that it is.
Angela Hines-Reynolds. Brigantine Chamber of Commerce
Here’s to a Better Brigantine !