Harry Hurley from WPG Talk Radio 1450 has learned and confirmed from multiple sources that the powerful Southern New Jersey Democratic Leader George Norcross and Republican Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson met together for one hour (12-1PM) on Tuesday, December 1st, at “The White House” sub-shop in Atlantic City.
Simply put, George Norcross, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of Cooper Hospital, leads the single largest, most unified and powerful group of New Jersey Legislators in the entire state. Norcross may very well hand-pick the next Governor of New Jersey. That’s power.
The political power that Norcross wields is palpable. Few in American history ever achieve it, nor are they capable of maintaining it as Norcross has.
Levinson’s political power in Atlantic County is undeniably self-evident. So much so, that Democrats haven’t even run an opponent against him in two of the past three, (4-year election cycles).
Read More: Hurley Exclusive: Norcross and Levinson Meet in Atlantic City | http://wpg1450.com/hurley-exclusive-norcross-and-levinson-meet-in-atlantic-city/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=newsletter_4976196&trackback=tsmclip
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