Latest News from Elks Lodge

elks brigantine
Elks Brigantine

A lot of you are probably wondering what’s going on with the Lodge. First of all, a nationally based cleaning/restoration company has been hired and are hard at work with a big crew of workers. To date, all of the wet carpeting has been removed, the walls cut open to wainscot height and the soaked drywall, paneling and insulation discarded. The spoiled food has been thrown away and the kitchen/freezers/coolers stripped and cleaned.

The mud has been removed from and the tile floors and walls in the restrooms cleaned. The old bingo hall has received similar treatment. Upstairs, everything seems to be fine and the computers, membership records, financial records are all intact. There appears to be no water spots on any of the ceilings which seems to indicate no water penetration.

That’s the good news. The lounge is another story. The floor on the bay side from about the middle of the bar heading towards the corner by the tiki bar, has collapsed and slopes down towards that corner. My belief that the bulkhead was compromised in that area causing undermining, is evidenced by end of the concrete slab closest to the patio has a big 1/2 moon crack in it and has separated and sunken at a slope towards the bay. The boardwalk in that spot has also sunk sloping towards the lounge. We’ll see.

In the meantime I would be remiss in not complimenting Chairman of Trustees Paul Consorte for the job of leadership he is doing. Paul has really grabbed the bull by the horns and is spending endless hours at the Lodge handling the insurance inspectors, getting permits, determining what goes what stays and dealing with the beaurocratic bull-shirt. Kudos Paul!

Needless to say, our class scheduled for this Saturday, the 17th, has had to be canceled and will be held at some future date TBD. The Trim-A-Tree Party likewise. I believe our kid’s and the special needs kid’s parties will be held at another venue. I’ll try to keep you informed.

Bye, George.

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