Mad Dog & the Brigantine Dog Park.

A Brigantine football coach is not thrilled with plan to re-locate dog park next to his practice field. No official relocation yet, even though space next to the Brigantine Community Center looked like a sure thing based on a vote at the recent July 17 council meeting.

Brigantine Football Coach; Mike ‘Mad Dog’ Morgan, looks to be main opposition to a proposed move to land right next to the Community Center. While Morgan understands the need for a new dog park, he’s not happy about possibly losing a portion of his football practice field of 19 years. Morgan’s chief concern seems to be potential for a dog / kid mishap. Opponent’s to Morgan’s concern have accused him of using scare tactics.

On the money side of things, local resident; Ron Weiss, is digging into his pocket once again with a $10,000 donation for the new park. Any additional expense will be sought through donations and grants.

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5 thoughts on “Mad Dog & the Brigantine Dog Park.”

  1. The petition to relocate the dog park now has over 500 signatures from mostly Brigantine residents who are tired of this fiasco and want the dog park reopened. Please get together and make it work! Us seniors are getting exhausted trying to exercise our dogs without stepping on forbidden turf! Thank you!

  2. Mad dog and some of Brigantine must not be too fond of ” man’s best friend .
    Boycott is a good option for Mad DOG. Seniors must have a terrible time. I’m. Not a senior citizen but all dogs need to run… Make it possible and those who can should help!

  3. If the concern is with the dog park location and its proximity to neighbors whether it was the existing site or the CCR, perhaps there is a location like 26th St; or how about even somewhere on the golf course, where there are 180 acres of land? Seems to me man’s best friend could play next to man’s favorite past-time.

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