Reader feedback from “The Brigster”. No matter who’s in office, the majority party will likely take advantage of their majority. For what you ask? We wish it was for nothing but honorable reasons. But alas…..
In a small town like Brigantine, shouldn’t all 7 council folk have a shared interest in working together? Do our views differ that much? Or is it that a council seat, is just a ticket to do favors for buddies? Or maybe a council seat is just a bully pulpit to scare and intimidate those who respectfully disagree?
Much like national politics, when a vote goes straight down party lines…..that’s never a good thing.
As Brigantine changes ever so faster…..
With 70% of taxpayers NOT allowed to vote…….that creates a major communication problem. How can a town ignore almost 3/4 of it’s local residents / taxpayers?
There’s a growing list of towns (like Brigantine) that are changing the voting rules to address this incredible oversight.
Maybe one day…..Brigantine will NO LONGER be DEM or REPUB…..but rather: INDEPENDENT.
If we had 6 councilmen/women……and it was an even split on a particular vote……then we would hold a public referendum….where ALL taxpayers would cast the deciding vote.
ALL taxpayers need to come together NOW. Full-time & part-time residents. Business owners too.
City council, the City manager, City Hall, and the City unions work for YOU…since YOU pay their salary.
Sometimes we forget that.
“The Brigster”
Taxpayers should be allowed to vote in any district they own property in.
If they own 20 properties.. they should get 20 votes. 100 unit apartment building? Sure, why not. People with money who come to Brigantine because they like it, should be able to use that money to change Brigantine.
Give them 100 votes.
“The Brigadudester”
Love you Brigadudster