Reader Feedback on Golf Course. Simpson Does Not Understand RFP Process

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: I’m a former resident of Brigantine, yet much of my family still live on the island year round. I love Brigantine. I had to comment though on the “Simpson Called Out” video you posted.

I’ve been in government contracts for almost 10 years and the RFP process is STANDARD. It’s unbelievable that Councilman Simpson, with all of his years in government, does not understand the RFP process. For him to make false statements is unconscionable. It is fortunate that the consultant (Matt Galvin) made an attempt to keep him somewhat honest.

I hate to see someone in office with power, trying to benefit in some way from his position. How can a fair and reasonable decision be made when one of the individuals involved in the process doesn’t understand how it works, or even worse, understands the process but chooses to do whatever they want to get the outcome they desire?

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Contracting officials issue an RFP that contains all the information necessary for companies to prepare their pitches.
  2. Companies write and submit their proposals, paying special attention to requirements specified in the RFP, such as the work plan, staffing, company financial data, and other criteria.
  3. Contracting officials review the proposals and select those deemed competitive enough to continue in the evaluation process.
  4. Contracting officials and companies meet, upon request by Contracting Officials, to negotiate specific aspects of proposals (Source Selection), including the areas in which the proposals don’t meet the agency’s needs.
  5. Companies may be invited to submit revised offers, taking into account concerns raised during negotiations. Often times these decisions are made without prior discussion and based 100% on the proposal.
  6. Contracting officials (Source Selection Committee) then make their determination on a winner and an official contract would be awarded and executed.

You do a great job keeping people informed of what the city is up too!  – THX

BrigntineNOW reader.

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