Recent Home Sales & Real Estate transactions in Brigantine, NJ….
- 320 14th St. S., Snyder, Michael S. to Donnelly, Richard, Donnelly, Kathleen; 8/26/2013. $899,000…
- 25 Explorer Road, Rigal ,Susan M., Damgen, Frederick to Sciarra, Angelo, Sciarra, Lisa; 8/26/2013. $275,000…
- 215 Vernon Place, Forth, Page, Irwin, Edwin, Pusey, Steve to Buchel, George, Ortiz, Roberta Tepper; 8/28/2013. $284,000…
- 353 33rd St. S., Pugliese, Anthony M., Pugliese, Susan J. to Goldfine, Jill; 8/30/2013. $445,000…
- 4320 Atlantic Brigantine Blvd. Unit B, US Bank, BSI Financial Serv. Inc. to Napolitano, Joseph V., Napolitano, Maria V.; 8/30/2013. $365,500…
- 838 W. Shore Drive, Eskin, David, Eskin, Eileen to Podgorski, Edward M., Podgorski, Polly J.; 8/30/2013. $799,000
- 205 Second St. S., Corbett, Douglas N. to Fillipo, Bruce, Baldewijns, Els; 8/30/2013. $290,000
- 2800 Revere Blvd., Wagner, Daniel V., Wagner, Jennifer M. to Holmes, Barbara R.; 8/30/2013. $382,000
- 107 E. Brigantine Ave. Unit 204, CSM Pacific LLC, White, Michael to Cohen, Bruce, Cohen, Michelle; 8/30/2013. $237,500