Who keeps the white sand of Briggy Beach looking so good? Who keeps city operations running like a top behind the scenes? Which Brigantine department can work wonders with a single roll of duct tape? Why, that would have to be the Brigantine Department of Public Works. Click thru for pics.
Department head; Ernie Purdy, and his crack team are often forgotten by the general public. But we here at BrigantineNOW……totally appreciate the work they do. Here’s a little photo tribute to Ernie and his crew.
Have a story about the Dept. of Public Works that needs to be trumpeted from the highest dunes?
Just tell us below….in the comment box.
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Is the wolfpack doing any work?
Ernie Purdy rocks ! He is always there when you need him and he goes beyond the call of duty. He is an asset to the city of Brigantine and we are happy to have him as a part of this community for so many years.
We love you Purdy Boy !
Are they hiring?
None Better. I talked to several at the community center who were working to help us when their houses were in distress. I don’t know his name but he is older and lived through 62 storm. Of course Jim Doring is the man…!! always smiling, always working hard, Scott, all the others who I see daily..AWESOME!!