They said it couldn’t be stopped but we stopped it.

For years, the Biden administration, environmentalists, and the wind industry have argued that the building of giant wind turbines along the East Coast was inevitable. Wind energy was already cheaper than fossil fuels, supporters claimed.
And President Joe Biden made wind energy a significant priority and was photographed in a meeting with wind executives holding talking points touting its benefits.
But now, Danish wind energy company Orsted has canceled its South New Jersey projects, Ocean Wind 1 and 2, in the face of rising public opposition, evidence that wind industry activities were killing whales, and worsening economics.
Ocean Wind 1 and 2 would have sited more than 200 massive wind turbines just 15 miles away from the New Jersey shore.
Orsted’s stock has fallen 60% this year and the New York Times estimates it will have to write off $5.6 billion in investments in the two projects.

“There’s really not a Plan B right now,” confessed Jeff Tittel, the former director of the Sierra Club’s New Jersey chapter. “It’s a political disaster.”
In reaction to Orsted’s decision, an investment analyst told the Telegraph of London, “The wind power sector has stalled, with virtually no companies in the industry now turning a profit.”

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Too bad Orsted didn’t think to disguise their wind turbine platforms to look like oil drilling platforms that do not kill whales. Maybe the next company to take over the project will realize of that.
I don’t see any oil rigs off of our New Jersey beaches.
Now we have to get Atlantic Shores to admit it is not workable and cancel the Brigantine project!
Of course, every time I post proof that Michael Shellenberger has been paid to do lobbying work on behalf of the nuclear and gas industry, the moderator doesn’t approve it. Can’t let the people know!
Now I hate to put facts in front of people who don’t care about facts and science, but, since 2016, 222 whales died on the east coast. 146 of them died PRIOR to any survey activity for offshore wind. That’s 66%. It’s pretty clear that offshore wind is not the cause of whale deaths. You people need to get real and get your facts straight. Also – that picture of the offshore wind turbines is ridiculous and NOT at all what wind turbines would look like 15 miles off the coast. Alternative energy should not be a political football. Stop with the Republican talking points. Enough already. And I say this as a registered Republican!!!
Thanks for posting this!