Message from Chief John Stone.
As both a member of the law enforcement community and a father, and members of the Brigantine Police Department are deeply saddened and heartbroken by the unthinkable tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
The Brigantine Police Department wishes extend our thoughts and prayers to all the victims, their families, school staff members, and our law enforcement partners who answered the cries for help, and all those affected by this unspeakable crime.
As your Police Chief, I want to take this opportunity to reassure our community members that that our schools are safe and secure and that the Brigantine Police Department is in partnership with the Brigantine Public School District and is well positioned and equipped to protect all of our students. Brigantine Police has gone over with the Brigantine School District their crisis plans and procedures as well as safety measures to ensure for the highest level of safety for our children.
As your Police Chief I strongly encourage all parents and guardians to talk with your children and allow them the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings if they choose to do so regarding these tragic events. We have found that some children express their feelings and concerns in different ways. With that in my mind we need your assistance to make our kids understand that they are absolutely safe in our schools and that their community and community resources here in Brigantine will continue to protect them.
Again, we offer our heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences to all those affected by this senseless horrific act. Please continue to keep these families and the Newtown, Connecticut Community in your daily thoughts and prayers.
God Bless.. Chief of Police; John E. Stone
Contact Information:
Lieutenant Tim Reed