Brigantine Dog Park FINALLY Gets New Home.

It’s official. A new location for the Brigantine dog park. 4300 Bayshore Avenue. Brigantine council gave their OK for the move & build. Costs will hopefully be covered by donations. The dog park will still bed called the “Natasha and Nikita Weiss Dog Park”, recognizing Ron Weiss, who ponied up a $20,000 donation for the first dog park and then another $10,000 for the move. The new dog park should be open in about a month. Click to see pictures.


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3 thoughts on “Brigantine Dog Park FINALLY Gets New Home.”

  1. that’s not important. it’s all about the park,the community, and my beautiful girls. the dream will remain a reality. thank you brigantine!

  2. The park is nice. Too bad more people don’t use it rather than taking their dogs to the beach. The front beach, that is. Each beach entrance is clearly marked, Dogs are not allowed on the front beach until after September 30th. Most of our valued Summer residents are gone, leaving the full time residents to flout the law and take their pooches to the beach. The city should enforce the ordinance with citations for the many repeat offenders. Ahhh, Brigantine, an island you’ll love (or not) for selective enforcement.

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