The future guardians of our pristine Brigantine beaches & surf. SEE PICS from the Brigantine Beach Patrol’s Jr. Lifeguard program; a camp that introduces youngsters to the job of an oceanfront lifeguard. Skills taught: swimming, running, torpedo rescues, paddle board rescues, and water safety.
Participation in relay races and beach flags will stress individual and team competition. Rowing will be taught to 14- and 15-year-olds who want to try out for the beach patrol in the future.
Ages from 9-15 may participate.
The Brigantine Beach Patrol provides the community with a free swim lesson program that runs approximately 5 weeks long. Lessons are 1 day a week for 45 minutes and they run Tuesday through Thursday.
For more info call (609) 266-5233
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So great to see the b.c.b.p. starting out w/young trainee’s..They have come a long way since I was a guard there 1959-60..We had no communications of any kind,no cell phones, 2 way radios,etc…Sometimes you would work by yourself,if shorthanded,having only a can bouy to use. Guessing,we may have had about 20 guards back then>???made about $75.00 every 2 wks..worked 6 days a wk.. Bill Kuhn was chief then..A nicer guy would be hard to find..He was really dedicated to b.c.b.p;…r.i.p. Jim Tynan,Long Key,fl…fl keys..