Want a discounted four-wheel-drive Brigantine beach permit? You better hurry. You have til Wednesday, March 1, to snag one at the reduced cost. After March 1, the permit cost jumps from $160 to $175, or $80 to $85 for those 60+, and those permanently disabled.
Veterans and active members of the military get free permits. Just show an active-duty ID, or a certificate of release / discharge from active duty (DD214) card.
Summer 2017 features MAJOR changes for 4×4’s on Brigantine’s beaches: Cove, Jetty & North-End.
New permits will be glued to the inside lower passenger side of the windshield. Each vehicle will be scanned as it enters one of the three 4×4 beach access points.
Each 4×4 beach permit now comes packaged with two personal beach badges. And FINALLY, anyone that enjoys the Cove beach area, will now be required to have a personal beach tag. For years, Brigantine lost tens of thousands of revenue dollars by allowing beach bathing access without a personal tag & lifeguard service.
The Cove area is well known to be a fun…. but chaotic mix of 4×4’s, public drinking, fishing, jet-ski’s, boating and BBQ’s. Note: the rock jetty is still easily accessible to children. While adult fishermen may understand the risk involved with traversing the jagged rocks, unattended children can often be seen on this treacherous jetty.
Look for a welcomed, increased presence of Brigantine police officers patrolling and spot-checking beach-goers
Brigantine beach seasonal badges are priced at $15 through May 31. They will jump to $18 as of June 1.
Brigantine seasonal parking permits are $25. They are good at any of the 3 parking lots on Ocean Ave, Roosevelt Blvd and 2nd st South.
Unfortunately, 4×4 permits, beach badges and parking tags can NOT be purchased online. You still must make your purchase… in person… at the Brigantine Community Center on 42nd St. For more info…call 609-266-7350.
it’s about time
Why, in this day and age, can beach tags only be purchased in person and not by mail or online? EVERYTHING can be purchased on line these days…..am I missing something or there a good reason for this practice that just isn’t obvious? Just curious…..
Because it’s Brigantine:-/
” by allowing beach bathing access without a personal tag & lifeguard service.”
So, by this comment, are there now going to be lifeguards stationed at The Cove?
We believe so.
And what about the 5,000 boats that pull up and take over the spots that the paying customers are using ?
Thats an important question that a lot of my friends are asking. I hope they clarify that really quickly.
That’s a bad phone #.
Will you need a beach badge to just fish and or just walk the beach?
Can I purchase a 4X4 pass for 1 day only. My Fiancée has a 89 year old mother that has a wish to go to the beach 1 more time. Really , that’s all we need . Could you please accommodate us just 1 day. He is a merchant Marine that is leaving for 3 months and we are unsure what the future holds. Please , could you help us just make her happy for a few hours? 2pm – 4pm Fri. Tomorrow May 4th. It would mean so much.
There needs to be more order at the Cove
I went today to get my 4 x 4 beach tag Free as a vet. The lady that took care of me in the office was incredibly nice and made it a pleasant experience . If your military vet, bring your DD 214 or, veterans card, and get your 4 Wheel Drive beach access. Brigantine rocks!