From Ann Young: And why is everyone in fear of part time residents voting? Fear they will bring in new ideas? Just what this island needs. What we have now is just watching more and more year round residents move off the island. I am a year round resident and we are all aging. Our children do not foresee staying here long term. What happens then? Don’t think island businesses will survive on part time residents only….
From Lisa Derman Wagner: On Friday at the Cove, ice cream was being sold from a blow up boat, in the water, not on the beach. I thought it was a great idea. Stayed cool and didn’t have to push it on the beach. Lol. Now I know why he was doing it that way….
From Bruce Walsh: Ice cream leads to fun. Brigantine will stop that at all costs.
From Patricia Marie: What a wonderful way to treat our veterans (insert sarcasm) they asked vendors to be veterans and then told them that the starting contract bid to sell ice cream on the beach was $70,000! Wow, Brigantine – way to go. God bless America!
From Kevin Crosson Jr.: This ice cream bullshit has led to the water weenie being shut down. What a bunch of crap!
Lola Mayoral: I live here year round and I’m starting to think that brigantine is over rated I’m considering moving to ocean city which is more kid and family friendly. My kid loves ice cream. What kid doesn’t love ice cream on a hot summer day?
Chantelle Iacone: I grew up in Brigantine and now go to the beaches in AC. The gentlemen that carry the heavy ice cream boxes day in and day out are appreciated in AC. They have become friends to our large beach group. It’s a nice treat the kids in our group look forward to when we have our large group outing once a week. It’s a shame that Brigantine isn’t following their neighboring beach town and offering the opportunity for children(and adults) to purchase a delicious frozen treat after the hassle of spending the money to buy beach tags and parking passes.
Taylor Cena: It seems that the Mayor of 22 or 24 years would rather sit back and start trouble then work with the city manager he hired with his party in majority. Now he only counter punches and attacks councils ideas. Any missteps by council must land at the Mayors desk because he has all the experience but let politics come before this great island and vacation resort. As a 40 year 2nd homeowner family, we will be voting in Brigantine this November . Way too long for one man to rule anything and the proof is in the pudding.
Michelle Raio: Social media invites debates. As a new second and third homeowner on the island it is disheartening to read so much debate going on. I was disrespected for entering creative suggestions for vacant store fronts. Clearly many towns have their challenges but be nice to each other! Seems this island has changed so much since my parents raised my siblings and I here. Not sure what to believe with so many opposing viewpoints and disrespect amid each other. What I can rely on is that if I had read these threads not limited to this one I probably would not have invested here. Sad. No need to reply to my own comment here if you have nothing nice to say about it just offering my own perspective for what its worth.
From Jamie Nastasee DiIanni: Why don’t we just make Brigantine a gated retirement community? because ridiculous decisions such as these really make city council look clueless to what keeps brigantine a family town. As a multi generational and multi family home owner with many small children, decisions like this make me question the direction brigantine is going…not in favor of a family friendly atmosphere? Not in favor of supporting business? This really makes no sense
I agree. This is the “beach” and people love ice cream.
Why can’t we allow the kids to walk the beach and sell it?
It is so popular in other shore points.
What is wrong with our Brigantine Officials? If you are
afraid the kids will steal from you, why not put an ice
cream and cold drink shack on the beach for everyone to
walk to?