Part-Time Residents Vote in Brigantine

Vote in Brigantine Elections. Like other resort communities, 70% of Brigantine taxpayers are 2nd homeowners waking up to their un-tapped NJ voting rights. This little known fact could play a major role in the upcoming November elections that are sometimes WON or LOST by under 50 votes.

It’s a simple process to get registered and have your voice heard in Brigantine. Example: Some couples might have the husband vote from their home town in Cherry Hill, and the wife could cast her vote at the local Brigantine polling place. You may want to confer with your personal advisory for specific details affecting you.

Want to cast your vote in the upcoming November election in Brigantine? See these items from the New Jersey State Constitution:

  • The NJ Constitution provides at Article II, Section I, Paragraph 3 that any US citizen 18 or older, who has been a resident of the State and county for at least 30 days, is eligible to vote.
  • NJSA 19:4-1 provides that a person who meets the Constitutional requirements, is registered and not disqualified by reason of incarceration etc…is eligible to vote.
  • NJSA 19:4-4.1 through 4.7 creates system by which people who have more than one residence can file a written statement declaring one residence as their “domicile” for purposes of voting.
  • The election official in the designated jurisdiction has authority to verify the statement (make sure stated address isn’t rented to someone else).
  • The law is stated to be “remedial”, with the purpose of assisting voters to establish their legal right to vote.
  • A person may not vote in more than one jurisdiction, or from more than one location within the same jurisdiction.
  • There can be only one “domicile”-but it is largely in the discretion of the voter to decide which of several alternative choices will be his/her designated domicile.

NJ Voter Registration info here:

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2 thoughts on “Part-Time Residents Vote in Brigantine”

  1. I am a 2nd homeowner since 2000, and am tired of watching the status quo and would like to vote in Brigantine. My primary residence is PA, and I do not want to change that. Can I still vote in Brigantine? I would be willing to stop voting in PA if necessary.

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