The 2023 Riptide Fall Fishing Derby is under way.
If you have a VALID Brigantine 4×4 permit and a VALID Riptide Derby permit, you can drive and fish the front beach of Brigantine.
The tournament started on Sept 5 and goes til Dec 11, 2023 at 5p.
All fish must be caught on the Island of Brigantine.
All fish must be NJ legal size to be weighed. No slot fish tags allowed.
There will be a prize for the three heaviest.
- Bluefish $300-200-100
- Kingfish $300-200-100
- Tog $300-200-100
Winners will be determined by WEIGHT, then length as a tiebreaker.
The Striper prizes will be $500 for first, $300 for 2nd, and $150 for 3rd place.
Any questions, call Riptide Bait and Tackle (609) 264-0440.
All cash prizes will be awarded at conclusion of tournament at Riptide Bait & Tackle.
$30.00 entry fee.
Please obey all local Brigantine laws and ordinances while driving on the beach.
BE CAREFUL as the weather is still nice and we will have a lot of walkers and bathers on the beach.
Brig PD will be out there looking for you.
On the fishing front, spot continues their dominance in the surf but we have been get-ting reports that blues are starting to show up.
The flounder bite on the North End has been pretty good and the stripers will be hitting the surf soon enough.
The boaters in the back are still caching some flounder and they are also loading up their spot pens with
bait for the upcoming Fall striper run.
The tuna bite is turning on again as we are blowing through the butters and sardines that we have in the freezers.
Lastly, we have a new line of SPF 50+ Quick Dry Performance shirts that just came in from Tormenter if you are looking to start on your Christmas Shopping 🙂
For all the latest fishing reports, info, and pics: @RiptideBait, and on Instagram @Riptide911.
Thanks and Keep On Fishing.
Capt Andy
Riptide Bait and Tackle