Brigantine City Council Executive session. The matter of litigation between the City of Brigantine and the operators of the Seagull Motel.
Judge signed the order negotiated at the last court proceeding. The order looks like an eviction notice.
WATCH VIDEO of Brigantine City Council DEC 19, 2018.
Seagull Motel building in Brigantine must be vacated by January 5, 2019
Those tenants being removed from building will receive relocation assistance paid by city taxpayers. A lien will be placed on the Seagull property, in order to pay the city back.
Current tax records show that the Seagull Motel is now owned by local Brigantine Real Estate broker, Frank Cossio. Former owner/operator was Sally Shierstead, who recently passed away. The Seagull Motel was built and managed by Sally’s Mother and Father, up until their deaths. Sally Shierstead had one sister, Darlene.
COAH is The Council on Affordable Housing. It’s an agency within the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs that’s responsible for ensuring that Brigantine, and all 566 New Jersey municipalities provide a fair share of low and moderate income housing.
City of Brigantine will enter into contract with VOA. Volunteers of America. The contract is signed.
Determining where the affordable, low & moderate income housing will be located in Brigantine.