Potential Corruption
ARCHIVES: Brigantine Hacked for $600,000. City Quietly Handles.
From OCT 2010 NJ.com. >> Computer hackers managed to steal $600,000 from Brigantine’s bank account. Officials say $200,000 still hasn’t been recovered. TD Bank notified Brigantine on Tuesday that multiple wire transfers had taken place from its account. Police say someone was able to get a user name and password.
ARCHIVES: Brigantine Hacked for $600,000. City Quietly Handles. Read More »
Brigantine Police Officer Injured in Traffic Accident. Rear-Ended by Off-Duty City Firefighter.
According to Brigantine Police: Erik Ireland, resident & off-duty firefighter for the City of Brigantine, rear-ended a stopped police vehicle being driven by Officer Rich DeLeon. On Saturday, October 25 at 3:58 pm, DeLeon was reported to have stopped for crossing pedestrians at the intersection of Brigantine Ave. & 20th
Doran Engineering Invoices Show Non-Compliance with NJ Statutes
Download & view invoices from Doran Engineering. To the average Brigantine citizen, the discussion of no-bid contracts, insider deals and engineering invoices will make your eyes glaze over. But take a good look at these invoices. If your Brigantine taxes jumped by 25-50% this year, your interest is certainly piqued
Doran Engineering Invoices Show Non-Compliance with NJ Statutes Read More »
Brigantine Council Needs to Clean-up Sloppy Cash Management
WATCH VIDEO >> Past Brigantine accounting practices are coming under intense scrutiny as ‘Cash Management’ takes center stage. A so-called cash management plan was strongly recommended by the city auditor at the last city council meeting. Presumably, pressure from the State of NJ is forcing towns like Brigantine to comply
Brigantine Council Needs to Clean-up Sloppy Cash Management Read More »
Brigantine Bans Water Weenie Vendor From Beach
Weenie Watch on Brigantine Beach…. A local newspaper blamed City officials this week for our beloved ‘Water Weenie’ being shut down. ‘The city blew it, plain and simple’, says Brigantine Times reporter and head Weenie watcher; Tom Morgan. According to the Times: for the past 15 years, the Weenie pontoon
Employee Mismanagement of City Web Marketing
Government should rarely be in business, especially in Brigantine. The local BB-NJ business directory is one major example of in-efficiency and questionable activity all funded by taxpayer dollars. The past mis-management of the Brigantine Mini-Golf course is another example of lost revenue due to poor city oversight. Think about it.
Brigantine's Barber Big Payout
Press of Atlantic City archive 2011 Brigantine City Manager Jim Barber will officially retire this weekend after more than seven years on the job — but five months before his contract actually expires and after having signed a severance agreement in which he promises never to sue. In return, Barber will
Brigantine police Chief Jim Frugoli
An internal investigation of former Brigantine police Chief Jim Frugoli found that he violated the department’s sexual harassment policy by making “offensive or derogatory comments” toward a department employee, including that “he slapped her on the behind,” called her names such as “Sugar Lips” and would “stand uncomfortably close” to her, according
Sexual harassment by former Brigantine Police Chief Jim Frugoli
JAN 29 2012 Press of AC Colleen Felix, alleged victim of sexual harassment by former Brigantine Police Chief Jim Frugoli, claims the former city manager violated a confidentiality clause by speaking to media – and now she’s suing the city for damages relating to the harassment. Felix, the police records clerk, Frugoli
Sexual harassment by former Brigantine Police Chief Jim Frugoli Read More »
Former Brigantine Gulf sues Police Chief James Frugoli and Manager Jim Barber
Former Brigantine Gulf owner and son sue the city and former Police Chief James Frugoli Friday, May 13, 2011 04:37 pm By MICHAEL FEELY Staff Writer A lawsuit was filed March 31 in Atlantic County Superior Court against the City of Brigantine, former Police Chief James Frugoli¸ City Manager Jim
Former Brigantine Gulf sues Police Chief James Frugoli and Manager Jim Barber Read More »
Brigantine Employees Anti- Shoobie ?
BRIGANTINE – Visitors to City Hall this summer may have spotted an odd message on a few bumper stickers in the parking lot: “I ain’t no FOOT.” Little could they know that message may have been directed at them. During an Aug. 18 City Council meeting, resident Mike Brennan alleged that
Barber, Frugoli, Cox and Stone Battle.
Archive: Wednesday, January 26, 2011. Brigantine suit partially settled and court will hear argument tomorrow. On November 1, 2010, I reported that I had sued the City of Brigantine (Atlantic County) seeking access to a) a redacted settlement between a top Brigantine official and an employee who accused him of